Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun in the Sun the title is a little lame...probably one of the most used scrapbooking pages in all the scrapbooking world...but it's all I could think of. We really did have fun today & it was out in the sun, so it's not completely a lie. We got Sebastian a little kiddie pool to play in & set it up today. He's been playing & splashing most of the day. We've had such a great time today. I'm so excited about all the wonderful things that we can do this summer. Next weekend we're going to Sam A Baker with my best friend Sarah. I don't know who is more excited...Sebastian or me?

I had to post these two pics.
I took them this afternoon before
we came in from a long day of swimming.
His eyes look almost green in this light. [No editing.]
My gorgeous little guy. (I think I might have said that before hahaha)
I have another nice little slideshow from our water-filled day. I ♥ Summer! ♥♥♥


Tina June 1, 2009 at 9:17 AM  

How those eyes!


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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