Lazy, Rainy Sunday
I have lost track of how many days straight it has rained. I think that we may float away. David let me sleep in this morning (as he does most weekends) as he tended to our early riser. I let the sound of the rain drift me back into dreamland. When I finally managed to drag myself away from the cozy bed and my cool pillows, I made Sebastian & I some oh-so-yummy cinnamon rolls. I'm talking the Pillsbury kind with cream cheese icing - poor Sebastian has never nor will probably ever taste the homebaked kind unless he is so fortunate to find a wife that can bake. Anyway, we loved them just the same.
Mmmm, Mmmm, Mmmm
After breakfast we tried to clean up the destruction from Saturday night. Sebastian & David had a quick lunch and then Sebastian went down for his afternoon nap.
And, so did I.
Sebastian awoke in a wonderful mood, smothering his Mama with hugs & kisses. He makes me so completely happy. He didn't even wipe any off this time hahaha!! We sat on the couch and watched the rain forever...the raindrops making tiny ripples in the puddles, the road glistening in the soft light, a little red bird fluttering around the tree trying to find a safe place, a silly squirrel running back & forth across the power lines confused about his direction. Sebastian concluded that the squirrel wanted to go play on his swingset as he finally ran down the pole and into our backyard. We counted the cars that past by our house and named the raindrops...most of which are named "Mama" & "Ashon" ;)
I had a wonderful afternoon with my little guy. I feel so guilty sometimes that we rush through the workweek that I barely get 10 minutes to just sit & talk to him and enjoy the little moments that we have. I try to absorb every single second when I can and reassure myself that we are doing the very best we can by him and he loves us more than we will ever know for it.

As I finish my post for the day, David has just walked in the door from his Sunday afternoon with his mom. Most Sundays he takes her to bingo. He is now sitting on the couch with Sebastian reading to him from his nursery rhyme book...Hickory Dickory Dock. I love listening to him read to Sebastian. He always use a soothing voice and puts a lot of emotion into it. I'm trying to keep him from seeing my tears because he thinks I'm overemotional. And I am!!
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