Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not use duct tape to fix my camera and my countertop trim. That is just a little too "you know you're from Southeast Missouri if..." things to do. Not Me!

I did not leave Sebastian outside with his Daddy in the pool while I was trying to put on my swim suit, to suddenly hear shrieks from the kitchen. Shrieks from Sebastian. Not because he tried to take a bite out of a chlorine tablet. Nope! My son would not want to taste a chlorine tablet. And his Daddy is always so calm & collected in emergency situations that I was not actually the calm parent. Not me! (btw...Sebastian is fine. He took a nibble & spit it out once he realized what he had done was WRONG. It burned for a few minutes but we got his mouth rinsed out good and he was fine.)

I did not go grocery shopping and spend an outlandish amount of money just to buy one-step skillet dinners, microwave entrees or something that just needs to be heated in the oven. I am a much more budget conscious shopper and a more healthful shopper. I would not be providing such unhealthy meals to my son. Nope! Not me!

I am not completely bummed that I have to work 4 days in a row this week because our office is off on Friday, which means that I don't get to stick to my normal schedule of "off on Wednesdays". Why can't I be off on Wednesday & Friday?? I just don't understand??

I am not considering painting my living room on Friday (especially if it rains and I can't go camping) in this heat & humidity. I know better than that...but I just don't know when else I could do it??

I have not been slacking on my blog because I can't think of anything interesting to blog about and I've not been so tired. My life is much more exciting than that...isn't life with an almost 3-year-old boy just supposed to be fun every second.

Hope it gets better soon bloggers! ta ta for now

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happiness is Contageous

Tonight was no special night (hmmm, or was it??). We got home from work about 6:30pm, as usual. Rushed through dinner, as usual. Rushed through bathtime, as usual. David has been coming home really late (about 8:30-9pm) from work, so he's rushing through dinner & showers, too. I feel like we're always rushing through the night. I feel frayed.

For some reason, up until I was putting Sebastian's jammies on, I felt completely overwhelmed. I was trying to give Sebastian a bath & clean up the dinner mess & clean up the flood from the bathroom floor & pick up the dirty laundry & wipe the sticky "home from work" popsicle juice from the floor & Sebastian's bed linens still needed to be changed. Whooo I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

After I got Sebastian out of the bathtub and into jammies, I delegated his bed to him. After running around & getting all the other tasks out of the way, he was still hard at getting his sheets changed. I was laughing so hard watching him try to tackle the bed sheets. After he finally got the sheet off, watching him put the clean sheet on was even more hilarious. I'll have to post some of these pics later, but laughing with him in the bedroom floor was the best meds I could have taken. My mood did a complete 180!

Apparently, all that laughter just wired him up. He was a jumping bean on fire after that. So between 9pm and 10pm when he fell asleep (finally) he gave me a quick synopsis on Ni Hao Kai-lan, had a quick spinoff on his Sit 'n Spin, chased the Monster out of the kitchen, made a few quick circles around the living room pushing his monster truck and passed out some hugs 'n kisses to his Mama 'n Daddy.

Not sure why "the Monster" has started coming around. I asked him where he came from. He said, "the kitchen." What does he look like? "Like Daddy." What does he want? "He wants to cheese for [Mama]." (that means he wants his picture taken). He told me that I shouldn't be scared of this Monster because he was going to shoot him. Sebastian ran into the kitchen and shot the Monster and run back to me saying that the Monster was gone. He asked, "Where did he go?" I said, "He went home to his Mommy & Daddy because he was sleepy and was going to bed." Sebastian informed me otherwise. "He doesn't want to go home to his Mommy & Daddy. He wants to sleep in the kitchen and eat jelly bread." Hmmm, who knew that's what Monster's wanted.

His laughter just rings in my ears. I too often forget to stop & just be silly with Sebastian. All the other stuff will still be sitting there waiting for me long after he's asleep (or all grown-up like he will be next week ;). Although he tells me quite frequently that he's not a baby, he will ALWAYS be MY baby.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bathtub Math

1 {Gorgeous + Happy} Boy


1 Bathtub Full of H20


Colorful Toy Trucks


LOTS of Colorful Morning Fun


1 Clean {Gorgeous + Happy} Boy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Multimedia message

Sleeping Sebastian...6am is too early to get up and have to go to daycare.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pool Boy

Although this weekend was Father's Day, David surprised Sebastian & I with a new pool. David & I had been debating this for the past few weeks - buying a pool, what kind, what size, bla bla bla so he broke his own mold and made a decision (haha) and bought one. He made a good decision!

It's one of those easy setup pools from Wal-Mart. It's like 33" deep. It's perfect because Sebastian, although not scared of the water like last year, he still wants to be able to feel the bottom with his feet and be able to walk. He stands about mid-chest deep in the pool. So, at least for this summer, it's perfect. And, since he can walk & isn't latched onto me hollaring "I'm falling, I'm falling", I can sit back and take pics.

David & I started putting it up yesterday afternoon. He & Sebastian got to play in it for awhile as it was filling. He had to work today so he missed all the fun Sebastian & I had. I was so ecstatic when Sebastian finally (with floaties & a ring ;) started floating around the pool, kicking & waving his arms in a "swim"-like fashion. I was just happy that he let his feet leave the bottom of the pool. It took some convincing & just a tad bit of force, but he finally did it. YAY!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Daddy's Day

I've had my moments

Days in the sun


I was second to none


When I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do

**Oops, I almost forgot to include a scan of the photo magnet Sebastian made at daycare. We ♥ you to pieces, Daddy!

Update on My Illness from HELL

I don't know about David, but this has been far from a great week & weekend so far.

Tuesday I came home early from work with Sebastian, wheezing & running a low-grade temp. Allergy medicine makes him a new kiddo. I, on the otherhand, get some sort of stomach bug (I'll spare you all the gory details) and end up feeling yucky the rest of the night.

So, I lived through Tuesday night & wake up Wednesday morning with a sore throat. I am easily susceptible to strep so I immediately called the doc who called me in some antibiodics ASAP. Wednesday, I felt like medium crap as opposed to major crap from the day before. I was still feeling weak since I had little to eat over the past 2 days and playing all day in the sun at the pool probably wasn't much help. Who knew that this would be the "easy" part of the week.

Went to work Thursday and made it until about lunch, then had to go home. And I know that I'm sick when I go straight home and go to bed and not pick Sebastian up from daycare on my way. It is very hard on me to drive by daycare & leave him there knowing that I'm not working...but I do pay a crapload of money for him to go to daycare and he does have a wonderful daycare provider...but I still feel guilty...anyway...back to the story.

Home from work on Thursday, my throat is killing me and I have a headache, nauseous. On day three of not eating (except I did have 1/2 of a 6' sub from Subway on Wednesday). I have tried to drink as many liquids as I could keep down. Went to bed fairly early Thursday and then DOOMSDAY FRIDAY came.

I have had headaches, migraines, whatever category you would like to classify them since I was able to walk. I remember hearing stories from my Mama about everything she used to take away from me, thinking it was causing my headaches lol. But, I have NEVER ever ever ever had a headache as bad as I did yesterday. From the moment the sun shone through our bedroom window, very early, on Friday morning until the sun shone through our bedroom window this morning, I had been in constant headache from hell agony.

I tried everything I could think of to ease the pain. I haven't had a severe "migraine-like" headache since before I had Sebastian, so I haven't had to use prescription medicines in a long time. It was a never-ending cycle because the medicine would make me sick, undoubtedly because I wasn't able to eat. I couldn't hold any food down because my headache was so bad and my throat was sore and on top of that I hadn't eaten anything in several days.

Finally, my Mama came home from work and she rubbed my head and rubbed my head and rubbed my head. I had calmed down enough to hold down about 1/2 can of chicken noodle soup. I took something else for my headache, but at this point I really don't remember what it was. I thought, finally, I was going to get a little relief. By then David was home from work and he picked Sebastian up from my sister's who volunteer to feed & bathe him for me. He tucked him into bed and Sebastian kissed my head and said "It's alright Mama! It's alright. I'm home now." {tear}

I was thinking that I might make it for a few hours. But, it didn't last long because at about 11pm I was laying in the bathroom floor begging for someone to put me out of my misery. I finally gave in and went to the hospital. If I hadn't been about to collapse from pure exhaustion & in so much pain that I couldn't open my eyes, I would've laughed when they asked me what my pain level was on a scale from 1-10...I answered 10, although I was thinking (if I was actually thinking at that point) more like blankety blank 50.

They gave me a CT scan, which I was glad about because I was sure there was something seriously wrong up in my brain for me to be hurting so excruciatingly bad. I would seriously choose cutting a kid or two or three from me than this. The nice little nurse lady came in to tell me that I had "severe, honey, very very severe sinusitis". The antibiodics I had been taking wouldn't touch this according to her. They were finally able to get me hooked to an IV and gave me some fluids because I was dehydrated, which wasn't a surprise, and some antibiodics, pain medications and something else to keep me from getting sick. They kept me there in 4am.

I was finally able to peacefully sleep for a few hours this morning. David didn't work today. It was nice for him to pamper me this morning. I have managed to hold a meal down today and otc pain meds are helping my headache. I feel so so much better. Thanks for everyone who checked on me. I think my mom was had returned a few texts that I had received last night.

As I finish up this post, I have just returned from dosing Sebastian up with some cough medicine. He started hacking today and has a runny nose. Hopefully, we nip it in the bud before it gets too bad.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blessed Am I

Blessed I am, indeed.

My son healthy.

He is as active as a two-year-old, soon to be three-year-old should be.

He is so funny and he makes me laugh every single day with some off-the-wall expression, silly grin or crazy remark.

He has a huge, contageous grin and big deep dimples. I fall in love with him more everyday.

Although quite territorial with this things, he has so much love and compassion for others.

He is a wonderful helper. He can fold washrags like nobodys business and fill the dishwasher full of silverware. He loves loading the washing machine, too.

He loves games and books. I love reading to him because he gets so involved with the story. He loves to ask questions. He's so curious about everything.

He's always about telling the truth, even if the truth gets him in trouble. He's also quick to tell what he knows and he is very matter-of-fact about things.

He has the most amazing blue eyes. And I am in love with his beautiful hair. Golden blonde with a hint of red (gives him that fire) and so thick. Gorgeous little guy.

He is a fruit lover...apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches. Haven't found a fruit that he wouldn't eat.

And corn! He loves corn.

He really has been enjoying the water this year. He loves summer. Loves being outside...swinging, swimming, running, playing. The summer heat has kept those cheeks fired up and hair glowing this year.

He is going through a phase where he doesn't want his hair washed...out-of-the-blue.

He is an amazing little boy.

He is all mine.

I am blessed, indeed.
**Please pray for Baby Stellan. I understand that he is back in the PICU again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...I ♥ My Wednesday's Off

(see the rest on my Facebook clicking my Facebook badge in the left column or by clicking here) Goodnight!

Wednesday Word Cloud...

courtesy of these fine folks

Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Okay, this is going to be a very short Not Me! Monday post...although I'm sure there are tons of things that I did not do this week...literally, figuratively, however you would like to read in to it.

I did not freak out today at work when the tornado sirens went off and force my husband to leave the combine he was working on to drive to daycare immediately and get my baby boy. I am way to calm & collected to freak out over weather.

I do not have a very wierd quirk about pay-at-the-pump receipts. So, today when I purchased gas and paid-at-the-pump, I did not have to go all the way across the parking lot into the store in the rain to get a copy of my receipt because the stupid machine was out of paper. I may or may not have a fear of some million-to-one chance that the machine didn't register my purchase and the store calls the police and I get pulled over and can't produce proof that I wasn't a is some off-the-wall scenario and I wouldn't be that paranoid.

I have not spouted off demands at Sebastian so many times followed by "GOT IT?" that he is now doing the same thing. David did not tell me this story about Sebastian's bossiness...
{in the car today...David is clicking a button on the gear shift}
David - {click click click click}
Sebastian - "Do not push that button Daddy!"
David - "Okay, I won't push the button again."
Sebastian - "I said DON'T YOU PUSH THAT BUTTON! GOT IT?"

He most definitely did not get that from me!

Not a chance!

Got it?

Not Me! Monday Update:
This did not happen after I got home from work...


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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