Lazy Town
After a three-hour Farm Town extravaganza this morning (thanks Sarah), I had to literally force myself kicking & screaming away from the computer. I'll skip the detailed descriptions of what a 2 & 1/2-year-old boy can do to your house when he's given free reign of your home while you're glued the computer harvesting potatoes. Let's just say that strawberry jelly & chocolate donuts can be damaging.

When I finally broke away from Farm Town (it's a Facebook application & I warn you now to stay away...stay far far away if you value your time at all) I played outside with Sebastian for awhile - chocolate face & all sporting very lovely red & black striped "pirate costume pants" & his favorite black flip flops. He traded in his tutu for some buccaneer pants & played some manly golf with his Daddy out in the rough terrain of our backyard. Sarah, I hope his pirate pants meet to your "masculine" standards ;) I don't think the tutu scarred Sebastian or his Daddy and in fact, David said only the most manly men can wear pink now & again (or in Sebastian's case some green & yellow tulle). 

OK...getting off track...we went outside and all was great. The sky was blue the temperature was perfect the grass was green. Sebastian & I rolled around in the grass and played for a few hours before we were both itching like crazy. We've both had a bath & he's resting peacefully in his bed and I think I may join him for a nice afternoon nap. Oh how I love our lazy Wednesdays. eyes were tampered with in the making of this post ;)
He is so handsome! It looks like he had a blast outside!
I started playing Farm Town the other day but I didnt really get a chance to get into it. I will have to try that lol!
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