Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Two Cents

Since everyone seems to have an opinion about the whole Jon & Kate + 8 saga, I thought that would share my two cents. (And, no, I don't care who is sleeping with who or why, whether they will stay together or not, and I'm not jumping on a side.) My thoughts are just this...


Yes - I have been a huge fan of the show in the past and I love J&K+8 as much as the next mama, regardless of the date & episode in which I first tuned in, but it is so far beyond what it was originally intended to be that it is really rather sickening to me. It seemed to me that the majority of the season premiere was centered around Jon & Kate and their issues and not on the kids. I am not seeing the true reason behind why the show was started anymore, which was supposed to be documenting their childhood.

Jon & Kate seem to be all about the money now. Their kids are their "business" & I don't mean that in a good way. They said themselves that this is their "job" and you can't separate work from home when home is work. I'm sorry, but kids are not a business. I could really appreciate the reasons why the show was initially started - to document their lives with 8 kids. I can't imagine in hundred years how hard it must be to raise 8 kids and especially what memories you could actually have saved while doing so. For that reason, I was completely supportive of the show. It's a different world now and in no way do I believe that it revolves around documenting their precious kids' childhood. And I also believe that they would not just call it quits like they always said they would if they thought it was best for their kids. Because, right now, is it really best for their kids to grow up on the cover of every tabloid in the nation?

I know how the media distorts everything and exploits them, but are we supposed to be surprised? I understand the destruction that is aimed directly at celebraties by the media & paparazzi and although I think it's disgusting what they do to families, that is reality. That is what comes with fortune & fame - whether it's right or wrong. It's not as if paparazzi is a new trend designed only for the Gosselins and they did not go into this blindly.

I really hate it for entertainment icons who are continuously trashed by the media, but it's one of the those things that "if you can't take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen". The media is not going to go away no matter how much we love to hate them. If the damage that the paparazzi does to your family is worth the megabucks that comes with a hit reality tv show, then that is a sacrifice that you have to be willing make.

It all boils down to taking responsibility for your decisions and I just feel that if they really cared about what the media was doing to their family and children, then they would choose not to put their lives on display for the entire world. You can call it what you want - giving up, giving in, whatever - but it's not going to change what the media is all about.

The best analogy I can think of is are not going to let your child play at a neighbor's home that you suspect of abuse, etc. even though there are laws that are supposed to protect your children from predators and it's wrong for an adult to take advantage of a child, but you know in the real world, that people do and so you do not take that unnecessary risk. To me that is no different than putting your family out there for the media, even though it is wrong for them to try & destroy your family, reality is that they will. So, are you justified in sending your kids on over to the neighbors for a bigger home and tons of money?

Anyway, this is purely my opinion and I hope that they find whatever it is that will work for their family.


Alicia May 27, 2009 at 9:52 PM  

I completely 100% agree. If this is what it is doing to your family and you truely care about your family then get the cameras out of your house!! Dont sign up for another 2 years at 75K per show. Yeah the money is good but what about the mental state of your entire family?

BTW-I love your new header! I am totally not stalking you...I just remember the old header and the orange sucker pics from the other day!

One more thing...thanks for stopping by & commenting on my blog! It was that bad...taking that step now was it? LOL!


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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