Countdown to Summer
I'm going to take a cue from my friend, Sarah, and blog about all the reasons that I love summer (because I couldn't think of anything else). Unfortunately, summer does NOT entail leisurely days of sleeping in and extended breaks for me because I think my employer would frown upon coming in around 9 am and not working for weeks at a time :(; but that doesn't mean that I don't love summer. It's a wonderful time of year...aside from the insanely amount mosquitoes & excruciating heat & humidity that we get down in the bootheel. Ughh I do not look forward to that. What I do look forward to is this...
sweet tea & lemonade, picnics in green green grass, unlimited trips to the park, baseball games, waterguns, tag in the backyard, sprinklers, Hawaiian ice, watching my nieces & nephews jumping like monkeys on the trampoline, lots of summer birthday parties, lightning bugs, the Peach Fair, BBQs with friends & family, wading pools, 4th of July, camping, water parks, Sebastian's tan lines (which he already has) & sun streaked hair, the smell of sunscreen & chlorine, bright beach towels, dirty feet from playing outside for endless hours, the backyard filled with toys & laughter
Same here...I am so glad summer is here! Have a great Memorial Day!
Great blog brando
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