Not Me! Monday

So, here is what I have not been up to this week...(drum roll please)...
I have not kept Sebastian from watching Spongebob because of the new Burger King commercial. I do not have some wierd hatred of the King and do not think he should be castrated because he looks like a pedifile. Nope! Not me!!
I do not have every single light in my house on right now because I'm too lazy to go behind our son and turn them off...that would be very ungreen of me.
I did not get completely annoyed with people who posted pictures to their blog without rotating them first. I do not care. Why would I care??
I did not promise Sebastian a popsicle to get him to leave our friends' house the other day, knowing that there is no where to buy popsicles (because he doesn't like ice cream). And, I did not offer to make lemonade & popcorn to him if he took a bath tonight. I do not have to bribe him to get him to cooperate.
I did not curse at the tv characters on Y&R like they are real while I was not trying to catch up on a week's worth of episodes.
I did not take Sebastian to daycare this morning with soaking wet socks & houseshoes because I did not refuse to let him take them off in the car when he escaped out the back door and decided to go play on his swingset while I was trying to track parts to his 4-wheeler. (Uh, our yard is not completely flooded from the days upon days upons days of not raining!!)
The popscicle comment was priceless, lol I really thought there was a place where you could get them, I was really interested for myself and my mean lying mama!!!!! Poor Sebastian.. Im turning you in.
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