Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random Picture Challenge

September 2008
Picture #18
This is my first random picture challenge. When I searched my folders to find the 18th pic of Sep'08, I just couldn't resist. This is my sweet son, Sebastian trying out a tutu for my niece Kinlee. Is he not just the cutest little thing ever? I could just eat him up!! There was never a cuter little boy sporting blue & white dino jammies and a green & yellow tutu.

So, I had to include a few more...right?? He's just too adorable for words! ;)

**Sebastian, I hope you forgive your Mama for this one day. I just couldn't help myself. You are just too sweet to keep you all to myself.


Cathy May 16, 2009 at 6:51 PM  

I love these kind of pictures! He is so cute! Those eyes are amazing. I love the way his hair looks almost white in that first pic. Precious...perfect for his wedding rehearsal dinner table someday! Ha

Erin May 16, 2009 at 8:00 PM  

Oh my love love this post! This is my favorite one this week. He is so adorable. I see those pictures coming out again in about 20 years :-)


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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