My Sweet Girl
Have I ever told you about my "adopted" niece, Adyson Grace? Well, she is about to be 8-years-old. She is so gorgeous and so smart and so kind. She is all the things that I would hope my daughter would be. I enjoy spending time with her so very much. I have 4 nieces...2 bio & 2 I have adopted and each one of them are absolutely wonderful. Tonight Ady's best friend...called to let me know that Ady was having a game tonight. I rushed on over to pb after work so I could see her play ball. I finally got a few pics tonight. Not the best in the world, but that's what her mom gets for not taking pics herself ;)
Win one for me Ady!! :)

What a great aunt you are, traveling that far to come watch her play, you are super sweet, and I will do the same thing for Sebastian when he starts playing..I can't wait!!! He will be like "yeah thats my aunt sarah and she will not put the camera down for 2 seconds " hahaha Ill be his private paparatzi. haah Anyway love the pics and love you
I love the pictures. You are a wonderful aunt to come and watch her play!
Really cute pictures :)
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