Multiple Opinions
Well, I have to be honest, I have not paid an ounce of attention to the whole California lady who just recently gave birth to octuplets. However, after reading an interview on MSNBC held Thursday on the Today Show (, I am completely appalled by the whole nightmarish tale. I absolutely consider this a form of child abuse on many grounds and furthermore, I whole heartedly disagree with the whole "a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body", especially when it affects an innocent child's life. (I have tons of opinions on the whole women's rights issues that I won't even get into.) I can't put into words how revolted I am that she has managed to be "fertilized" with these poor babies when she already had 6 that she couldn't & shouldn't (my opinion) be taking care of. (And how in the world did she manage to pay for it is the real question.) There are poor woman all over the world who would give their life for just one child and here she is with more than a dozen that will most likely end up separated in foster homes &/or worse, die from lack of adult responsibility.
I'm not saying that having muliples or even a whole classroom full of kids is wrong. It's not my personal desire to have a house full of children, because I know what my limitations are; however, for those who can & really want them and who can provide for them in every way that a child needs (and providing financially is just as important as nurturing them physically & mentally), then I say more power to you. I personally don't understand how a person can stretch their love & closeness to a dozen kids, but just because I don't understand, doesn't mean it can't be done. And, I guess I'm just selfish & narrowminded because I want to give my currently "only son" the entire world & can't imagine how I could do that with 2 or 3 more children (yes, I know it can be done; i have many friends with 3 & 4 children and my wonderful, wonderful friend is amazing and if she had a dozen kids, they would all be loved & provided for---I'm just saying that I don't think that I can).
Anyhow, I'm getting off track, as I am merely wanting to point out my opinions on this specific circumstance. I think it is wrong on muliple levels. (I didn't include all the details, but you can check out the MSNBC Today Show link [also above] & check it out for yourself.) Now, I am, also, in no way criticizing the fertility industry as it is a miraculous thing to be able to help men & women create their dreams of having children. All faults aside, I believe it's a wonderful thing. My opinions strictly adhere to this lady & her decision to abuse/manipulate the industry & bring 14 helpless children into this world who have absolutely no say in their situation. It saddens me tremendously to think about what will become of these children...what they will have to face, whether they will ever be secure, happy and enjoy all the things that this wonderful life has to offer. I'm sure everyone in the world has their own opinion about the situation, and this is merely mine. And it doesn't matter how you serve your side, I will never change mine. So, keep your hate mail to yourself.
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