Mean Mama

He's so dang handsome--I just can't stand it. I love my cutie pie
David says I should not post what I'm about to post. He thinks that it is embarrassing and will be humiliating one day for our sweet little man. He says that Sebastian will hate me when he's a teenager [but his girlfriend won't have to wait that long because his future mother-in-law already gets tons of pics to show her--shame on me & Sarah]. This will probably be true at some point in the future; however, he'll grow into an adult one day and he'll be a Daddy to his own beautiful, amazing, perfect little boy or girl and it doesn't matter what his child does, it will be fascinating to him and he'll want to share it with the world...just like I want to do. What is this exciting, embarassing thing that I want to share with the world??
Day 4 of our Potty Training Extravaganza: Today is the 2nd full day (not including nights) of being accident-free. We've been going to the potty like a little pro. I'm still working on getting him to "tell me" that he has to go potty, instead of me taking him and saying it's time to potty when it's been awhile. That will come with time as I learn to let him do things on his own, but we are both doing great. I have huge faith in completing it this time! Everyone say, "YAY Sebastian!!"

Oh, another wonderful thing Sebastian did this weekend that made me so proud...everytime he sneezed at the BYM, he covered his little mouth. Yeah, I know, that is a pretty lame thing to be excited about, but nonetheless, I was pretty pleased. That's a big feat for a little kid and with germs & bacteria running rampant everywhere, this is one thing that I'm happy that he's finally picked up. It's the little things in life, people! Remember that!!
I agree, when he has kids he will totally understand! Congrats on the recent milestone. One day you will look back and forget diapers existed! The only bad thing is hearing in the car "mom I gotta go". With Sebastian and Jackson it's not so hard--I don't know what I will do when it's Maclaren and I'm out in the middle of nowhere!
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