Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Spirits have Risen

I have absolutely no interesting things to post. And, yes, I can read your minds from my desktop computer..."Do you honestly think your other posts are interesting?" NOPE...I don't. I'm the only one interested in my day-to-day ramblings. Except Sarah...she's so freakin' nosey, she wants to read everyone's blogs (harharhar). I can't even get my sister to leave me any good pathetic is that. I am her older, wiser, way more cool sister and she should be worshipping the ground that I walk on. Right?

I know you're all dying to know what I did today...WELL, got up at 5:30a.m., dropped Sebastian off at daycare, went to work, went to a staff meeting, worked (yes, I actually did work today--TONS--and I'm exhausted), showed off pics of Sebastian on Facebook Mobile, went to lunch (had a burger from The Store, which is usually SO GOOD, but was not today), showed off pics of Sebastian on Facebook Mobile, drank like two 20oz Code Red Mountain Dew's, worked some more, showed off some pics of Sebastian on Facebook Mobile, picked Sebastian up from daycare, showed daycare pics of Sebastian on Facebook Mobile, went home, ate supper which David had so graciously cooked for us, gave Sebastian a bath, chatted to Sarah on MSN, put on his PJs, chatted to Sarah on MSN, put Sebastian to bed (3 times), updated Sarah's layout on Blogger after trying a multitude of times to get logged in, chatted to Sarah on MSN, now I'm writing this post...then I'll probably talk to Sarah some more then go to bed. WOW, that was an exciting day. Anyone who didn't get to see Sebastian's pics on Facebook mobile [or my blog, or Sarah's website], can see me...

Well, I'm feelin' my little boy in his terrible two's. I guess that's what happens when you get bored. There's some kind of saying about idle hands...and handywork. [Sounds good if you leave out all the middle. BUT IT'S NOT!] I'm thinking about bailing on work early tomorrow and going with Chastity to the park with the boys. Saturday we are supposed to go to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. At least I'll having something to post about {don't get too excited now}. We have a birthday party every weekend this month...
last Saturday (which was technically in February still)...Dyson & Kinlee
this Saturday, Shea (co-worker & friend's grandson)
next Saturday, Kanon (best friend's son)
the Saturday after next, Tyler (my nephew)
the last Saturday of the month is still up for grabs if anyone has any offers!!!



Anonymous March 5, 2009 at 10:52 PM  

I wanna reserve you for the last Saturday in March , Im sure we could think of something fun today, if its warm by then, my luck we will have a snowstorm that weekend and be iced in lol. Anyway I do love your blogs and will always be your number one blog reader. Thanks for my new blog layout , its perdy you are the best, really what would I do without you?? have a crappy myspace and a crappy blog. You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!! BFF's FOREVA!!!!!!

Love ya

Sarah and the Brood


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My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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