Happy Birthday, Shea!
Sebastian went to my co-worker's grandson's birthday today at Chuck E Cheese. It was certainly chaotic...I have forgotten how crazy Chuck E Cheese is on the weekend [at noon]. Sebastian had just woke up from his "car" nap as it's close to a 2-hour drive from our home. Once he woke up and realized how much fun he was about to have, he was raring to go. He's insanely obsessed with putting tokens in the machines. Actually, he really could care less what the activity was, he just wanted to put his token(s) in. (There's no telling how many free pencil sketches the children after him received.) Anyway, after the party, we drove over to the mall and shopped a little while. Sebastian had a blast. I thought that he would be completely pooped tonight and ready for bed...just the opposite. He's been running wild through the house playing with his Daddy and he said, "I don't wanna go bed!" Boy, I'm ready though; I'm extremely tired (I literally may fall out of this chair from exhaustion hahaha)! Here's some pictures from today before I pass out...Happy Birthday, Shea Baby!!
Shea meeting Chuck E Cheese
Happy 2nd Birthday Shea

Crazy for CEC (Sebastian was stalker LOL)
For those of you who are dying to see the rest of the pictures, check 'em out here on my facebook account.
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