Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Serious Grossness...Read this post at your own risk!!

I think to myself, what is up with the crazy sicknesses running rampant around here? Then I remember, "Oh, it's still wintertime"! What was that beautiful weather we just had, was that all a dream?? NOPE, just Mother Nature playing a cruel joke on us.

So, do I have a point to all this incessant rambling? Why yes I do. I am being paid for teasing Sarah about quarantining her kids as it's been illness after illness after illness around her house. Sebastian awoke this morning (*) over the moon. I got him all cleaned up (had on his bedtime pull-up) and he insisted on wearing his underwear (he's usually the opposite, but he's been doing wonderful at potty training) once he was dressed. We tried to get him to wear his pull-up, just for today, as he has had such awful diarrhea today, but he just had to show us differently. So, we gave in and let him wear his underwear. He was in his room playing, then the next thing I know he's flushing the, I come running and he has a huge mess all over the bathroom floor. [I was so excited that he "tried" to make it to the potty that I didn't care that the bathroom was a filthy, stinking, germ-infested, disaster area.] This time I talked him in to wearing his "bedtime biper", JUST FOR TODAY because he was sick. He relunctantly agreed, which cut my time scrubbing the floors down drastically.

After like 5 changes of pull-ups and/or pants and/or socks, I called and spoke to Ms Kristal at daycare. She pretty much confirmed what I had already suspected...several cases of rotavirus and the flu. All the kids have had different symptoms; Kid A: severe vomiting all weekend, admitted to hospital for dehydration--tested positive for rotavirus, Kid B: diarrhea, tested positive for the flu, Kid C: diarrhea, no diagnosis, Kid D: diarrhea & vomiting & fever, not sure about diagnosis, Kid E: fever, chills, nauseous, some diarrhea & vomiting, tested positive for the flu. Sebastian has had diarrhea, vomited twice today, running low-grade fever and hasn't done much of anything except lay on the couch with me or sleep. He hasn't touched a bite of food today, but he has been drinking Gatorade really good. I'm not worried about dehydration at this point and this afternoon the diarrhea has subsided (for the time being). We're going to see how the rest of the afternoon goes and tonight and then decide if we need to spread our germs to the kids in the doctors' office waiting room. It's possible that he just has a gastrointestinal virus...which we hope is the case. If it's rotavirus or the flu, he's out of daycare for 5 days.



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Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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