Splish Splash!
Playing in the tub is fun
its what I like to do.
I dunk my toys one by one
and splash my Mommy too.
Then Mommy leans in the tub
"Its time to wash your hair."
Mommy has to scrub and scrub
but I don't really care.
Getting clean is fun for me
although I fight it every time.
After all I am a boy
I kinda like my grime.
I found this poem at Scrapbook.com and thought it fit this post perfectly. Sebastian loves bathtime, he thinks he's a little fishy. Tonight we dropped in our color tablets and turned the water purple (although it looks beautiful blue in the photos). Just a short post tonight as it was back to work & school today for Sebastian & me. We are pretty tired. He's already snoozing...I can hear him snoring as I type. I think that sounds pretty good to me, too. Goodnight my faithful follower(s)...until tomorrow!!I dunk my toys one by one
and splash my Mommy too.
Then Mommy leans in the tub
"Its time to wash your hair."
Mommy has to scrub and scrub
but I don't really care.
Getting clean is fun for me
although I fight it every time.
After all I am a boy
I kinda like my grime.

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