Everything You Want to Know (And Some You Don't)
I know you are all dying to know every little detail about my life. Why wouldn't you?...with me being so disgustingly perfect and all. So, here's a few things that I bet you don't know about me, some you do know and some you probably don't want to know!!
- I am 28 and my husband will be turning 39 in April! Huge age gap I know, but when we were dating, I was much more mature than him and surprisingly...still am!!
- I am the oldest of 3 girls. My sister, Kim and I are only 11 1/2 months apart...which means... you mathmaticians...my "younger" sister was in attendance at my "first" birthday.
- When I was in junior high, my best friend & I kept a little fat notebook (remember those?) of all the reasons why we hated another girl in our class. We had like way over 200 reasons in that book. How retarded is that? If her mom knew that we had done that, she would have kicked our butts for sure.
- Another junior high moment...my best friend and I sprayed hairspray in a tin can and lit it with a lighter...it does go "poof" like you would expect. Thank GOD that we never killed or mamed each other.
- When I started driving and dating this weiro guy that went to school with my MOM stalked me trying to get me to go out with him. What a pedifile...I wonder if he's been locked up yet?
- I love pizza rolls dipped in french onion dip...only Prarie Farms French Onion Dip.
- I loved being pregnant with Sebastian. Not once single day of morning sickness. That was the best I ever felt in my whole life.
- I've never broken a bone...pulled a ligament in my knee, but that's it.
- I tried to get my sister to name their boys Sebastian...each time one had one. Then I finally had one of my own.
- I curse way too much.
- I am obsessively anal about being organized at work...not so much at home, which is very wierd.
- I HATE to drive. HATE HATE HATE it! Seriously. And, I'm a bad driver and I completely blame it on my mother who also hates to drive.
- David was not my "first love" although he's probably the first "real" love. I regret being in love with my "first love" because I was such a naive retard, but I'd probably do it again. If that makes any sense at all.
- I sometimes wash & dry clothes and am too lazy to put them away so they sit in the laundry basket for few days and are too horrifically wrinkled to put them in the closet....so I just wash them again.
- I don't wash dishes or vacuum...at least not as long as I can still get David to do it.
- I have a huge fear of something happening to my baby boy (and crickets).
- I can't stand to be ignored...don't ignore me. Tell me no or tell me to go the heck away...just tell me something. Don't act like I'm not there!
- When I was in high school, I seriously thought I was fat. Looking back, I was like a beanpole and my old self would think that myself now was morbidly obese.
- My middle toe is my smallest toe.
- I drink way too many Code Red Mountain Dews everyday.
- I was potty trained before my first sister was born...ok you mathematicians...how old was I?
- I love taking pictures. Love it! Lots!
- I love reading blogs...MckMama and Sarah "Mean"gree
- I would stay at home with Sebastian in a heartbeat if I could afford to quit my job
- My best friend in the whole world is Sarah "Mean"gree, she's photographer and I love having someone I can complain to and be stupid with and love her kiddos like my own nieces and nephew
- I have family that used to (or maybe still does) think that I'm a snob. I never understood that. My family never had anything...still don't. I don't get it. My mom always used to tell me it was because I was so quiet and reserved. So, I guess if you're not a loudmouth who gets in everyone's business you're a snob.
- I loved my job at Emerson when it was open in Kennett. Working with guys is completely different than working with mostly all women.
- I love my son more than anything else in the entire universe.
Well, it's so past my bedtime I can't even sit here for another minute. Stay tuned for all you could ever want to know about me. Got questions? Ask me, I love comments! Have any ideas for posts? I'm signing off tonight, but leaving a picture of Sebastian's new haircut. It's so adorable on him. However, he looks so much older and I bawled like a little baby when she cut it and ran my fingers through it (or lack of it). It was heartbreaking.
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