Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sarah Kingree Photography

Ladies and gentlemen...the link you've all been waiting for!! Sebastian's proofs are up on Sarah Kingree's website. [Remember the preview from THIS post?] Once you enter her site, click on the "client proofing" tab and enter the password "brandy". You'll notice that he's the opening page can also find his gorgeousness if you click on the Information/Specials tab. hahaha couldn't help but throw that in (wink wink)!
The pics are amazing!! I just can't put into words how amazing they are. I know I have said that a million times, but it's true. Don't forget to come back here and COMMENT! I want to know what you think, what are your faves. Help me decide which ones to choose. I'm so indecisive about things like this.
On the news front, I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, count my chickens before they hatch, etc. etc., but there may be a new service offered through SK Photography which includes my handywork. This was just Sarah brainstorming and us kicking around the idea, but it sounds exciting!! Stay tuned for more updates!!



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My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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