Not Me! Monday...Stellan Style

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. "I created Not Me! Monday for the purpose of confessing our shortcomings and imperfections to each other since, after all, we are all only human!" - MckMama
I decided to dedicate this week's Not Me! Monday post to show just how much I love the MckFamily! Normally this would be linked to MckMama's site, but since she's in the PICU with her Sweet Stellan, only 5-months-old, we're heading over here for today. So, here goes! Not Me! Monday - Stellan style...
I have not...
- been glued to my computer, phone, anything with an Internet connection, repeatedly hitting the refresh button trying to get updates on Stellan.
- obsessively cycled through every application possible to get updated about a thousand times a day...MckMama's blog, Facebook Prayer Group, Twitter
- emailed everyone in my address book, demanding that they stop & pray for little MckMuffin
- told every co-worker who will listen to me about Stellan's condition as though I may know this family personally and carried my phone with me into interviews to make sure I don't miss a single Tweet from MckMama
- googled every medical term that MckMama has thrown out trying to learn everything I can about Stellan's condition
- cried a single tear worrying about this sweet little guy and his family and struggling with the fact that this is even happening at all to such an innocent little baby boy
- held my own baby so tight & so long thanking God profusely that he is healthy & happy
- already submitted two Stellan name pics for his Name Gallery
- posted comments on most every update from MckMama, as if she was my best friend, although I have never done so before
- dedicated at the majority of my posts to little Stellan & completely remodified my header (and anyone else who lets me) to show our love & support for Stellan
- realized how easily we take life for granted and have vowed to savor every second that I have here on Earth with my little guy!!
God Bless you Stellan!! I'm thinking about you every second and praying that you get better soon.
What a wonderful post Brandy, it brought tears to my eyes. I think I shall go give my babies a big squeeze , even while they are sleeping. Thanks for this post, it definately cheered me up . Love ya lots
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