Lazy Day Saturday!!
I'm writing this in my pj's. The same pj's that I slept in last night. I love Saturdays when we have nothing to do. Sebastian woke up this morning about 7:30a.m., which is pretty normal for him unless he's sick. As always, David gets up with him and I sleep until Sebastian gets bored or Daddy doesn't do something to his liking, at which point he comes to get Mommy up. I really don't know what time this morning I finally rolled out of bed. Sebastian & I played and played. He, for some reason that only he understands, wanted to take all his clothes out of the closet and hang them on the end of his bed. Then he put the majority of them back in the closet. The rest he comes storming out of the bedroom with and throws them on the table. I guess he didn't want them anymore!?? Sebastian fixed us fried chicken, onion rings, celery, hot dogs and cookies for breakfast, which he said were "green beans" but were still d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!
David grilled us some T-bones for lunch. He has a wonderful talent for grilling, but porterhouses seem to be his specialty. You seriously don't even have to use a knife. So good!! I was much too lazy today to drive 2 blocks to the grocery store to get some baking pototoes, because that would require me to get OUT of my pj's, which was not on the agenda after I noticed that it was pouring outside and had storms planned for much of the day. So, instead, I pulled out of box of scalloped potatoes and decided to bake them in the oven. They were so freakin' good. I'm seriously cooking-challenged and rarely make anything that can't be microwaved or poured into a pan to merely "heat up". David is the cook around our house and Sebastian is very thankful for that because sometimes chicken nuggets/strips/chunks, corn dogs and pizza rolls get old.
After our yummy yummy lunch, David & I watched Twilight while Sebastian destroyed my house. I loved it. It's a rare moment that we get to sit down and enjoy a movie together.
This afternoon, Sebastian finally decided that we wanted to take a nap at 4:30. I, of course, couldn't deny him one because his poor little sleepy eyes were too precious. He seems to get me with those eyes all the time and just today he was being a little brat baby and I couldn't help but crack up at him because he just looks at me and bats those baby blues. Anyway, back to the head was pounding AGAIN. I have a love/hate relationship with to play outside, hate to be suffering from sinus/allergy headaches. He slept until 6:30, so you can expect us to be up until midnight with him. He is just exactly like David in that respect. He can stay up half the night & still get up at 6a.m.---he does still want a nap at some point in the day, so I guess that he is re-energizing for the rest of the night. I need like 14 hours of sleep a day LOL...well, maybe not that much, but you get the point.
Sebastian has just found a new toy...well, actually it's an old toy. I'm sure you know how toys get forgotten...sometimes never to be seen or heard from again. He found this little jig saw in a basket of toys that was about to go to daycare. It still had the tag on it and has never had a battery one in it. Well, David decides to put batteries in it for him and he's been driving us crazy with it ever since (and it's one of the loudest toys he has). He's been sawing everything in the house with his "gun". Everything's a gun...hmmm, should I be worried???
Before I end for the night, I had just read a post from my BFF's blog, "You Idiot Boy!!" I was cracking up because her little girl is so honest, so blunt with no realization about what she is saying. Her oldest, on the other hand, is just the opposite. She is more reserved, very caring and doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. She has the best of both worlds with them two and I'm excited to see where Kanon falls on that spectrum. We joke all the time about Sebastian & Ava getting married (OMG, can you imagine the gorgeous grandbabies that we would have??) and my mind immediately had a "Jon & Kate" moment...I can already see Ava screaming at Sebastian - "Don't use the pink hair bows at home you IDIOT BOY!!!"
***We are still praying hard for sweet Baby Stellan. His heart has been in out of SVT and V-tach all week. They are having so many ups & downs with him. He's still fighting hard in PICU and we hope beyond hope that he gets better soon. He's a real fighter. Lord, please protect him!
Great Post girl, I always love reading your posts! They will get married, that is one marriage we are arranging. They have no option. We would have the best family and so much fun at holidays!!! And our grandbabies, man o man, would be knock outs!!!! can you imagine the big blue eyes on those babies? I would love to have you guys in the family, well the real family cause I already consider you guys my family.. Aunt Brandy :) and cousing Bastian :) We love you guys
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