Too Cool for Preschool?
I was reading in the paper that the school is now screening for pre-k and k. As I was reading, I was thinking, whoa, Sebastian could go to pre-k next year. It stated that that for pre-k, the child must be 3 or 4 by Jul31--which Sebastian's misses this year, because he will not be 3 until Oct24. Now, this is my assumption only, that they will only be taking the 3-year-olds, should they not be able to fill a class with just 4-year-olds. If they did take him, then he would be going to pre-k for 2 years before starting k, which is completely ok with me as that would save me almost $3000/year on daycare. However...
2 Kool for Pre-Skool

I had secret plans built up inside my head that once Sebastian started pre-k, we could possibly try and have another baby. David says "no more", which is why this has been a secret plan in my head LOL, but I had it all planned to the month/year that we could start trying again because, of course, have to plan around openings in daycare. It's so hard to find a good daycare, but even more so, for a baby under 2.
Now that I know that pre-k is a possibility next year, I have to be re-scheming and really trying to figure out what we DO want to do as this is a decision that we all need to make together. Sometimes, I really can't imagine having another baby, because it's hard enough to provide the world to just Sebastian. Then, I can't imagine NEVER feeling a little baby grow inside me again, the rocking and cooing and snuggling that you just don't get from an independent 2-year-old. Decisions! Decisions!
Could I really never, ever do this again?

LOL! He was so bald...and so freakin' long
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