Picnik Time
Sorry no post last night. It was a terribly hectic day--let me explain... As you may (or may not) know, I don't get off of work until 5:30. By the time I make it to daycare & get home, it's already 6:10-6:15...sometimes later, depending on how long I chatter to Ms Kristal at daycare. Now, I was already in a "mood" yesterday for reasons I won't get into, then I get home and my husband puts me in an even bigger "mood". Please explain to me why men just don't get it. I'm exhausted...EXHAUSTED!!! All I want is a little help. He makes me so mad. ARRGGG~
Anyhoo, on to something that won't turn my hair gray (or maybe it will haha). Sebastian is on a huge Chuck E Cheese kick. Everything is about "Shush E Sheese"! Sebastian has just realized that there is more to the world of food than just McDonald's. Chuck E Cheese makes me crazy, especially on a Saturday...at noon. If he forgets about Chuck E Cheese, please don't ever remind him!! Also, on the Sebastian Top 10 favorite things of the week...Spiderman. We watched Spidey III on one of the Starz movie channels the other night and now, he wants to watch Spidey all the time. He asked to watch last night and I told him, "awww, Spiderman went to bed", as I was flipping through the channels guess what was on...you'll never guess...SURPRISE Spiderman III. I wasn't at all surprised, though, those movie channels get on a roll with the same movie for weeks & weeks. So, Spiderman did an encore last night...especially for us. OH the excitement of it all. Some other notables on the Top 10 include his new plastic rake (put that sucker to work this afternoon), his Elmo potty coloring/sticker book (much thanks to Joann for that recommendation), and he still loves his Crayola color changing tablets.
I have Spring fever REAL bad. I have ordered Sebastian a swingset from Wal-Mart and it should be in next week. I have absolutely LOVED the weather lately and letting Sebastian run around in a t-shirt & shorts. I'm excited about pushing Sebastian in the swing, having barbeques, chasing fireflies, filling the sandbox and picking toys up out of the yard. It's going to be a great year!!
Now for my nightly picture post...I've been playing with the Picnik photo editor. I get crazy on this thing!! LOL (just keep that in mind when you think, "what did she do to those pics") Not everyone is so photographically inclined (I have no idea if that is a word :)!

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