I missed blogging so much when I was without power for a whole week, then without phone lines for another. I probably just missed the fact that I couldn't blog more than the blog itself. I couldn't go to sleep just yet (due to all the red Mountain Dew's I've had to drink today) and just couldn't touch another chore in this house that needed tended to...sooooooooo, here I am again!! Thinking about all the things that need to be done, like the mounting piles of laundry that I haven't had time to wash in the last 2-3 weeks and painting the living room and getting all the limbs picked up out of the yard. I hope hope hope that something gets done this weekend. We have a state holiday tomorrow & Monday (Thank you President Lincoln & Washington), so I took some vacation on Friday to make it a nice long weekend.
I definitely needed the break. Our office has been working so hard since the ice storm!! We've replaced hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of food stamps due to the power outages. It's so amazing that we have all managed to come together through this disaster to help our communities get back on their feet. I'm so proud of our agency...we have some of the best workers!!! Everyone is exhausted though, some workers had to work through the weekends and then 10-hour shifts with no day off and still had to go home to powerless homes. Some still don't have power! My heart goes out to them.
I'm so excited about spring! I can't wait to get outside and play with Sebastian. I hate being couped up in the house all winter. I actually read a book this year (hahaha!! don't laugh, I have a toddler running around). Multiple Blessings by Kate Gosselin [Jon & Kate + 8]! It was so inspiring, made me really think about the Big Picture and who is in control. Awesome!!
Tomorrow Sebastian & I are finally going to get our hair cut. I'm the world's biggest procrastinator when it comes to haircuts. I don't know why. I guessI just don't think about it during my day-to-day errands & scheduling until one day I just look at Sebastian or in my own mirror and think, "I can't do anything with this mess!!!" It still takes me weeks to remember to schedule an appointment because it's never a convenient time to call when I'm standing there actually thinking about it. Anyhoo...we have an appointment tomorrow and I'm so excited about getting Sebastian's hippie hair trimmed. Sebastian is happy that he gets to go see Ashley - I think he got a crush on her last time lol! She's gorgeous and so sweet...he always go after the pretty ones. Stay tuned for the new haircut pics. Here are the "before" shots...

PS...Sarah, you need to blog!!! Stay with it, I'll always read!!
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