How We Roll
You know you got it made,
when you drop an escalade
for the drop top
for the drop top
Iced out, rocks hot
Droppin dollars, ladies hollar Heyyy
Gotta get that greeeeeeennnnnn!
You know you got it made,
when they settin a parade
when you drop down
write a check in town, all just for one dayyy
Gotta get that greeeeeeeennnnn!
These are the lyrics to the song on Sebastian's F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E movie right now, "Alvin & the Chipmunks"! These lyrics are burned into my brain. He wants to watch it right before bed and he'll fall asleep to this song...they repeat the lyrics over & over [& over & over & over] until you select something from the menu. I can't rid myself of this earworm, so I though I would share it with someone else. ENJOY!!! 

Hear the full version below...
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