Happy Thursday, Thank Goodness It's Almost Friday Post

I'm sure my whole sleugh of followers [sadly, only 1] was highly saddened by my non-post yesterday. Yesterday was my day off {**yay**} and we had lunch at my mother-in-law's. She is feeling much better since she had the pacemaker put it. Apparently, that was exactly what she needed. She was excited to cook dinner for us and was thrilled to get to spend some time with Sebastian. Then we made a trip to the Bluff to buy birthday presents for the twins and to pick up my phone. Sebastian fell asleep on the way home and he slept until almost 7 p.m. I was on the phone to AT&T Customer Service for who only knows how long (had the phone on speakerphone while I cooked supper) and was trying to get my sleepyhead up. Supper was late and that put my whole night behind. By the time I got everything cleaned up, spent time with Sebastian before getting him back into bed for the night, catching up on my Y&R and learning (playing) with my new phone, it was waaay past my bedtime.
OH, I forgot my lovely bathtime story. So, Sebastian is taking a bath...a bubble bath. When all the bubbles had departed, he decided he would make his own. And, my first thought was, "well who could blame him, no one likes fizzled out bubbles", until I noticed what he used to make more bubbles. I'm sure in his 2-year-old little mind he needed 2 full bottles of shampoo because 1 bottle just didn't make enough foam. He couldn't figure out why he couldn't get it to foam because he barely turned the water on so I wouldn't hear the water running. (This really is quite clever on his part.) However, I heard the trickling water and as I walked by...there went a huge slosh in the floor. He tried to pour his bucket of water into a small little cup on the side of the tub. Needless to say, as I was soaking water up out of floor (that was surprising slippery and leaving a bubbly film) I noticed the two very empty bottles of shampoo. I believe I could have lathered & bathed every kid in the county with as much soap was in the bathtub.
On a lighter note, we made it to the Bluff, Wal-Mart and the UPS center with zero potty issues. Today was Sebastian's 3rd full day in his big boy undies. He doesn't like it at first and wants his "biper", but he is pretty good. He has had a few accidents, but all-in-all, is doing really good and we are really sticking to it this time. Wish us luck!
Sorry I didn't have anything more interesting...no quote of the day, picture of the day or some great new product or idea. Just boring ol' me! I'm gonna close now as I have much to do tonight, but I will leave you with my very favorite thing in this world (wet undies, 2 feet of shampoo and all)!!

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