Not Me! Monday
So, here it is...(drumroll please) I am not blogging about all my personal deficiencies while Sebastian is watching tv and I am supposed to be cooking a well-balanced, nourishing dinner after working 10-hours today. AND I am most certainly NOT going to feed him a tv dinner that I just put in the microwave. I did not stand in front of the bathroom towel closet this a.m. for a good five minutes thinking about what I was going to get out. I surely am not absent-minded enough to forget that I needed a "towel" out of the "towel" closet where I keep only the "towels". That was [ahem] not me. I most certainly did not deny Sebastian a chocolate cookie for breakfast yesterday morning and then eat (by myself) 1/2 the dozen + one very large cream cheese brownie and tall glass of milk...chocolate. Ugh! Sebastian was sitting in his bedroom watching Alvin & the Chipmunks for the gazillionth time this week, eating puffcorn. He had a small bowl, which I did not refill all 5 times that he asked for more "puffs" because I was too busy to argue with him on what is an acceptable sized snack. Oh, this is a good one!! I did NOT fax a document to myself today...not once, not twice, especially not three times. It must not have been Monday ALL DAY! I have not been so captivated with MckMama's blog that I have not almost read a whole 2+ years worth of posts in one day. Nope, not me! Last week as we were getting ready for our photo shoot that wasn't to be, I did not try to catch Sebastian calling the President "Obamamama" on video for almost an hour with about 25 video clips. And, when he got completely annoyed with me and had a meltdown, I did not capture his adorable little photograph & post it on my desktop. That would be totally bizarre and I would not do something like that. Scratch that previous post about the tv dinner. I did not let him have Eggo's for supper. And I am not thinking that Eggo's sound pretty good. I do not still have a very large blow up toy in my living room floor from Christmas [with a slide & ball pit] that Sebastian has half deflated. And we do not keeping kicking it from one side of the room to the other because we are too busy/lazy to take it down. So, I finally broke down and told daycare today that we are officially starting the Big Boy underwear tomorrow. I have not been avoiding the issue of potty training because I want to keep my Big Boy a Baby Boy. And, I definitely have not been avoiding it because potty training is a nightmare I was just hoping would take care of itself! I do not live in fantasy land where 2-year-old toddlers miraculously potty train themselves. That is ridiculous! [Oh what a wonderful place it would be!!] WOW! This has been so exhilarating that I may need a Not Me! get the point. OK! I found this awesome blog that I am completely addicted to now OMG MckMama is hilarious and I am now officially obsessed. Not Me! Monday was created as a weekly confessional for our (im)perfections, because aren't we all (im)perfect!?! So, this is my very first edition of MckMama's blogwide (sure that's a word) confessional...Not Me! Monday!!
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