Kanonball Run!
I was chatting with my very good friend, Sarah, tonight about how sick her little girl is [age 7]. She has the flu and is feeling terribly bad. Say a pray for her & send her your well wishes. I really hope that her other two kiddos, Ava 3 and Kanon less than 1, do not get sick.

Kanon is almost 1! He is so handsome and everytime I see him he has a big, bright smile. And, he's always dressed so darn cute...hopefully, I'll be stealing all his baby clothes for another bright eyed boy of my own...someday...many many many more months down the road. I think he looks just like Sarah and, at times, his sisters. I can't wait until she has another. Although, I don't know how she'll ever love another boy as much as him...but she will! [Assuming she has another child and assuming it is another boy...hahaha, yeah I'm jumping the gun a little!!]
Anyhow, here he is...the adorable, long-awaited boy of Sarah's dreams...about to be ONE!

Well, Sarah, is a photographer whom I adore! She takes the most amazing pics...some of my favorite, of course, are of my dashing little dude - but the rest are of her dashing little dude Kanon. [she's a photographer, uses a Canon...Canon/Kanon...no, that is not a coincidence folks...quite clever and very creative...I love it!]

Kanon is almost 1! He is so handsome and everytime I see him he has a big, bright smile. And, he's always dressed so darn cute...hopefully, I'll be stealing all his baby clothes for another bright eyed boy of my own...someday...many many many more months down the road. I think he looks just like Sarah and, at times, his sisters. I can't wait until she has another. Although, I don't know how she'll ever love another boy as much as him...but she will! [Assuming she has another child and assuming it is another boy...hahaha, yeah I'm jumping the gun a little!!]
Anyhow, here he is...the adorable, long-awaited boy of Sarah's dreams...about to be ONE!

Some oldies but goodies [they're obviously not that old as he is not even 1-year-old yet]!

Newborn Kanon...so precious!
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