Not Me! Monday - Birthday Party Style
It's Not Me! Monday again. Ugh, I hate Monday's...but I ♥ Not Me!Monday's. Thankfully, I'm back to my regular work schedule, where I work two days & take a day two more days and take two days off. I am not completely spoiled to my mid-week dayoff & getting utterly cranky when I'm forced to work more than two days in a row. Not me - I ♥ to work!
I did not go to my oldest nephew's 10th birthday party yesterday and feel like an old hag because that means if he is 10, then I have officially been out of high school for 10 years. YUCK! There is no way that I am old enough to be attending my 10-year high school reunion this year. NO WAY!!
I also did not let Sebastian eat ONLY the icing from his cake (with his fingers) then let him eat icing from the big cake with his fingers. That would be gross to let him lick his fingers & stick them back in the big cake and I would not be so inconsiderate. (Actually, I was not letting him contaminate the whole chocolate side of the cake so Aunt Kim would let us have it hahaha...not me!)
After eating some yummy yummy chocolate birthday cake & ice cream, I did not let Sebastian attack the ice cream truck that just happened to drive through the park because 1) I would not let him eat that much sugar in one afternoon and 2) I would not spend $6.10 on two popsicles when I could buy a dozen for probably half that amount. I would not be that irresponsible just because Sebastian has never seen an ice cream truck before. Nope! Not this sensible Mama.**There is not tons more things that I have NOT done in the last two weeks since my last Not Me! Monday post. So, I will not leave it to your curious, inventive imaginations as to what those things are that I have NOT done - muahahahahahah!! ;)
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