Happiness is Contageous
Tonight was no special night (hmmm, or was it??). We got home from work about 6:30pm, as usual. Rushed through dinner, as usual. Rushed through bathtime, as usual. David has been coming home really late (about 8:30-9pm) from work, so he's rushing through dinner & showers, too. I feel like we're always rushing through the night. I feel frayed.
For some reason, up until I was putting Sebastian's jammies on, I felt completely overwhelmed. I was trying to give Sebastian a bath & clean up the dinner mess & clean up the flood from the bathroom floor & pick up the dirty laundry & wipe the sticky "home from work" popsicle juice from the floor & Sebastian's bed linens still needed to be changed. Whooo I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

After I got Sebastian out of the bathtub and into jammies, I delegated his bed to him. After running around & getting all the other tasks out of the way, he was still hard at getting his sheets changed. I was laughing so hard watching him try to tackle the bed sheets. After he finally got the sheet off, watching him put the clean sheet on was even more hilarious. I'll have to post some of these pics later, but laughing with him in the bedroom floor was the best meds I could have taken. My mood did a complete 180!
Apparently, all that laughter just wired him up. He was a jumping bean on fire after that. So between 9pm and 10pm when he fell asleep (finally) he gave me a quick synopsis on Ni Hao Kai-lan, had a quick spinoff on his Sit 'n Spin, chased the Monster out of the kitchen, made a few quick circles around the living room pushing his monster truck and passed out some hugs 'n kisses to his Mama 'n Daddy.

Not sure why "the Monster" has started coming around. I asked him where he came from. He said, "the kitchen." What does he look like? "Like Daddy." What does he want? "He wants to cheese for [Mama]." (that means he wants his picture taken). He told me that I shouldn't be scared of this Monster because he was going to shoot him. Sebastian ran into the kitchen and shot the Monster and run back to me saying that the Monster was gone. He asked, "Where did he go?" I said, "He went home to his Mommy & Daddy because he was sleepy and was going to bed." Sebastian informed me otherwise. "He doesn't want to go home to his Mommy & Daddy. He wants to sleep in the kitchen and eat jelly bread." Hmmm, who knew that's what Monster's wanted.

His laughter just rings in my ears. I too often forget to stop & just be silly with Sebastian. All the other stuff will still be sitting there waiting for me long after he's asleep (or all grown-up like he will be next week ;). Although he tells me quite frequently that he's not a baby, he will ALWAYS be MY baby.
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