Just Peachy
In case you didn't know, which you probably don't since I have not blogged about it, my nephew Dyson had been in the hospital for the last couple of nights with some mysterious illness. He woke up Thursday morning projectile vomiting (yum, bet you wanted to know that), running a fever, complaining of neck pain & a headache. My sis took him to their pediatrician and after an exam which showed a wbc count of 19,000, she sent them packing to the ER.
He was tested for everything under the sun: strep, flu, swine flu, a bunch of other stuff I don't remember and meningitis. All of which were negative, so they concluded that he just had a terrible bug. Steph said he finally, last night, began eating and completely did a 180 turn-around and got to come home today. We kept his sisters last night so Mom & Dad could get some rest, and he was very disappointed to find that "his girls" were not home when got released today.
We had a great time with the girly girls last night. Kinlee is such a priss, prancing around & flipping her hair. Jayden is my way-too-grown-up-to-be-five little sweetheart. They were so much fun to have in the house and I thought to myself last night, "why don't we ever keep these kids more?" I have forgotten what it is like to have girls in the house. After bathing the girls last night & washing their hair, I went to try to brush their hair. Jayden's hair is long & beautiful, but what a huge tangled up mess it was last night. I didn't have any detangler in the house, obviously because I have a boy and don't need it. I put some leave-in conditioner from the last time I colored my hair, hoping for a little help, but it still took a good hour to comb through that mess. But, once their hair was brushed & dried, it was the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen.

Sebastian was completely thrilled in having some "wild girls" in the house. They played forever in his ball pit/slide thing that is STILL sitting in my living room from Christmas. I about passed out trying to blow the slide back up because I couldn't find our foot pump. We ended the night with popcorn & WALL-E all snuggled in a pile of blankets in the living room floor. The girls didn't fuss a bit about being away from Mom & Dad for the night and both were fast asleep before WALL-E ended.

Kinlee did wake up in the middle of night & crawled in our bed because the living room was scary. I didn't think much about it since I think it's scary too in the middle of night, especially when I'm home alone. I let her sleep in our bed until she fell back to sleep. The girls are usually later sleepers on Saturday morning than my Sebastian, but he decided that he wouldn't have any late sleepers in our house, so he woke them up bright & early at 7:16am. Since David is helping out on his family's farm right now, he wasn't home to be up with the early risers, so I didn't get my usual Saturday sleep-in and decided to make blueberry pancakes. Mmmm
Being the mean auntie that I am, everyone had to help clean up the house. I mean, seriously, I didn't drag out forty million toys and spill my popcorn all over the living room floor. Not a problem for Sebastian because he knows he has to pick up his own toys, etc and Jade was a big help, too. But, oh, not Kinlee. She immediately had a headache. (She's going to make a wonderful wife someday...already knows how to throw the "headache" around;) We (Jayden & I) loaded the dishwasher and I let Jayden wash a few pots & pans from dinner & breakfast since I couldn't fit everything into the dishwasher. Kinlee had a meltdown because she wanted to wash dishes...but again, being the mean auntie that I am I wouldn't let her help with the dishes which is apparently the fun stuff, since she didn't help with loading the dishwasher. (The child refused to put a fork in the dishwasher & was sprawled out in the kitchen floor from the deathly headache.)

After the house was cleaned up, we all played around and watched tv. Anson & Steph picked the kids up shortly before 2pm and I think they were headed to see some other family. Kinlee had cried & cried for about an hour over her headache & begged for some medicine, so I gave her some Tylenol & she fell asleep on the couch. I'm still not sure if she really really had one because she is great at the emotional showdown. She seemed a 100% better when Mom & Dad got there, though, so the verdict is still out. My mom popped in for a few minutes & ran a few errands for me and she thought that Kinlee may have had a low-grade fever, but the thermometer said otherwise. Whether she was or wasn't sick, the Tylenol & nap seemed to make it all better--so whatever works.
I, on the otherhand, actually I did have a headache today. A sinus headache which, to me, is one of the worst. I thought that my face was going to explode from all the pressure. After the kids went home & Sebastian and I got to spend a little Mama/Son time together, we decided to go take a nap on the big bed. It was nice 2-hour nap curled up next to my little guy. I think he got a little jealous of me holding Kinlee during her "I have a headache" crying spell, so he wanted to curl up with Mama. He is the most precious little guy, I couldn't be happier to be his Mama.
Needless to say, we are still in our pajamas. My headache is better, but not gone. Sebastian is watching The Incredibles in his bedroom while I blog about our day. Hopefully, when Daddy gets home we'll have a nice relaxing dinner & watch a movie. I love curling up on the couch with David because he'll massage my head, neck & shoulders. Haha he is useful for something. Just kidding (maybe lol), although he is a huge pain in my ass most of the time, he can also have great moments.
I think I'll end this post with some Peachy Good pictures. We do live in the Peach Capitol of Missouri and we have some the most awesome peaches in the world (or so I've been told because I don't like peaches.) Well, that is a whole different post about how I hate peaches and all those wonderful summer fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, etc. Anyhow, Sebastian loves him some peaches. Don't know if these are the world famous "Bader" peaches, but Campbell peaches nonetheless. I love buying hometown produce. Can't wait to stock up on those summer vegetables...tomatoes, squash, etc. YUMMY. Yesterday, I good friend from work loaded me up with some new potatoes & fresh green beans from their garden. I'm embarrassed to say that I have never "snapped" or cooked a fresh green bean before, but we are going to give it a try.
Ahhh, back to the peach pictures. I seen the signs out that "Campbell peaches" are being sold at those little roadside stands, so when I talked to my Mom today, she was standing there getting some...I was like "omg, get Sebastian some peaches" I'm dying to take some summer peach pics hahaha. There's nothing cuter than a picture of kiddo drenched in fruit juice from mouth to elbow; makes me want to chow down on a peach myself (well, not actually).
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