Where Has Summer Gone?
I can't believe Summer is almost over. We have not gotten off to a great August start around our house. Sebastian has been coughing (mostly at night) for the past few weeks. This past weekend he was much worse and now has an infection in his eye and ear.
So, off to the doctor we went this morning. He checked his ears, which had fluid behind the eardrum, and he checked his throat, which was inflammed. Thankfully, his lungs sounded good, so we were not in need of any breathing treatments. I really hope that he manages to get some rest tonight because we are both quite exhausted. (For those interested, he was 31.5lbs and 40" tall.)
I had a long weekend helping out a friend photograph her sister's wedding. WOW! What a learning experience that was. I was so glad that David didn't have to work all weekend and could be home with Sebastian. While I was gone though, Sebastian flushed a piece of wood down the toilet. David & my Daddy ended up having the take the toilet apart to retrieve the block of wood. After the lenthly discussion that David & Sebastian had about flushing things down the toilet, I don't think that he will be trying that again soon. Fortunately, I was not around for that discussion, but my Mama informed me that it was pitiful.
Sunday, my nephew Therron turned 4-years-old. It was a mad house, as usual, with just our 7 heathen kids running around, but add in a few non-related kids and some childlike adults...well, let's just say it was a real festive party. (hopefully some pics from that later)
I don't think that next weekend will be any less active with 3 birthday parties scheduled for next Saturday. Sebastian will be a busy boy next weekend (assuming that he is feeling better by then). I don't know how much time we'll be able to spend at each party, but we are going to try to make an appearance at each of them.
I am amazed at how quickly the Summer has just flown by. I love the Fall, but I hate to have to say goodbye to Summer so soon. It has been such a great Summer. Hopefully, we'll be able to throw in at least one more trip to the lake before David gets lost in cotton season. Oooh, but I love those cotton pictures...
Anyway, I have got to get my sickly baby boy bathed in bed so he can get some much needed rest. I hope hope hope that his meds help him sleep better tonight.
I will leave you with a few pics from my favorite time of the day...jammie time; from a few nights ago, before he started feeling so very ill. He is just so darned handsome, don't you agree?

hey girl, hope that boy gets to feeling better soon, cant believe i havent seen you that much this summer...we had plans for so much didnt we? o well i guess thats life with young ens maybe we can catch up really soon! Love ya
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