What We've Been Doing This August
Working, playing, birthday parties, pictures, snuggling on the couch, playing doctor, reading books, enjoying the beautiful weather, going to the Peach Fair, laughing, learning, cooking, grilling, buying pajamas, sorting through birthday party details, lots & lots of laundry, visiting with family, eating out, having funny conversations, watching tv {Yo Gabba Gabba}, treating mosquito bites, eating popsicles & ice cream, walking downtown, playing the rain, dancing on the living room table, jumping on the bed, playing cars at the kitchen table, eating peaches, draining the pool, drinking lemonade, being extremely HAPPY!
This has been a wonderful summer. I can't avoid working or the time that takes away from our family, but I have tried to avoid the computer which is another stealer of my time away from my little guy. Less blogging, less Facebook, and less chatting {sorry sugarcakes}. When I'm not online, I realize how tired I am and have been going to bed much earlier than I have in the past. Sebastian has been spending much more time with me cuddled up on the couch or wants to sleep in Mommy's bed. I love our time together more than anything else in the world.
We have been super busy this month. I think the birthday party count is 6! I guess I know what all those parents were doing in the Fall ;) !! I went to a wedding & helped out with the wedding photography {which was very exciting}. The weather has been a mix of super hot & lately, really perfect. Lots of thunderstorms & days playing out in the rain. We have had some wonderful playdates with our friends this summer. TONS of pictures! Sebastian got to go to our hometown Peach Fair for the very first time. I was so exciting about taking him. After we made it through the first ride, he had a great time. The food from the church stand was so yummy, like always. He got to spend lots of time on rides with all his cousins, which made me so happy. Dyson & Kinlee really try to take care of him. We have a great family, which I am truly thankful for. Mimi spoiled them all with cotton candy, caramel apples, funnel cakes, homemade lemonade, and bloomin' onions.
On the reverse side of all this happy fun that we've been having, Sebastian has been the target of all the mosquitoes in Southeast Missouri. They are absolutely horrid this year. He came home from daycare on two separate occasions completely covered in bites on his legs, arms & face. It looks so awful & I know he must be in agony. We have tried to keep him sprayed & covered every single moment that he is outside. I guess they are really bad outside at dayare, but Sebastian seems to be the only one getting attacked by them {sweet blood I suppose}. Other than not let him go outside {which breaks his heart when everyone else gets to go}, I don't know what to do. I'll have to get some pics up because you just won't understand until you see this child. Heartbreaking!
I am signing off for now - to play with my love on our day off!! ;)
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