Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kirby Salesmen, a Haircut, Dust Mite Feces, and An Exorcism?

Just another lazy Wednesday with our friends...

Today we spent the whole afternoon {I mean, THE WHOLE afternoon} at my friend, Sarah's house. We all lounged on the floor, we lounged on the couch, we lounged on the bed {which we later found out was completely filthy}.

Sebastian on the tractor...he had lots of fun on it today.

I played the Wii with Sarah's nephew, Luke until I was too self-conscious about my arm flab flabbing around hahaha {it seriously was, ugh}.

The kids played outside awhile. Ady graciously drove Sebastian around the yard on the Polaris a few times & helped him everytime he wanted on then off, then back on & back off. Ady is the absolutely greatest little mother hen. She played with Sebastian & helped take care of her brother & sister & Sebastian. She is so sweet & kind and beautiful. An amazingly kind heart.

Ava had a complete meltdown a few times. I never "really" believed Sarah when she said Ava was, shall we say possessed , ahem, {extremely vocal}. However, mine eyes hath seen the light. {Actually, my ears heard the crash lol...}

Ava is truly one-of-a-kind - and I mean that in the best way. She is a sweetie when she wants to be & she is really my favorite little buddy. I adore that she talks to me & lets me play with her & love on her. All 3 kiddos are wonderful.

Kanon still loves me {even though he hasn't seen me most of the summer}. I had some really great snuggle time with him this afternoon because HE LOVES ME SO MUCH. I am his favorite person afterall;) hehehe. He let me rock him in the rocking chair which I cherished so much & he even was humming with me as he layed on my shoulder. So precious.

Ady got a back-to-school haircut which was completely perfect for her. I think she looks completely too old, though, so maybe I should rethink loving that haircut haha! :) Just kidding Ady, you are SO BEAUTITUL.

A Kirby vacuum salesman had to give Sarah a complete demonstration which took freakin' forever. It was so hilarious...she left me there with him posing as her "sister" who "lives with her". So, Sebastian & I had to watch the demo alone while Kanon napped & everyone else went to get Ady's haircut. Sebastian was completely bored & fell asleep while the young guy vacuumed the same spot like 40million times. I kept pulling out dirt & pulling out dirt & pulling out dirt. He asked, "How often would you say this rug gets vacuumed?", to which I replied, "Apparently never!?!?" lol. Seriously, everyone's carpets/rugs/floors are that disgusting he said. So, I didn't invite him to my house! He kept saying, "What do you think your "sister" will think about all this" - everything was "your sister" "your sister" "your sister". I just winked at him & said, "We're not really sisters, dude, know what I mean ;) we just have a very special bond" LOL

So, anyway, the Kirby guys showed us a demonstration about dust mites in your bed & pillows. I would forego that demonstration & any talk of dust mites unless you fully intend on purchasing that vacuum cleaner. I could have really done without knowing about dust mites feces & eggs in my pillow. How will I ever sleep again? Sarah ended up buying the $2900 Kirby vac for FAR FAR LESS than "their" recommended price, so don't let those Kirby folks sucker you into $2900. I think she should come clean my bed & pillows for having to endure the initital demonstration which lulled Sebastian to sleep and now refuses to go to bed because of his late afternoon nap ;)

that is all the dirt & sand that came from one strip about 1' x 3' in size. he would run the vacuum across the strip once then remove the little filter & do it again...40million times lol. it was completely mindblowing!


Sarah Kingree August 12, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

Ok I am totally cracking up. What a great blog, I had such an amazingly fun day..and who would have thunk it? Hahah Only you and I would have fun locked in a house together all day with 5 kids and 2 vacuum salesmans. OH thank you my dear friend for all the amazing pics and a fabulous ending to a hilarious day :) Love ya lots! PS. Adyson is having a hard time sleeping with the mites, I feel like calling them up and having the guy tell her it was a lie.


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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