Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Silly Sebastian
As I was washing Sebastian up in the bathtub tonight, he played with a bar of soap. He placed the soap in the soapdish and then picked up the soap dish. He rubbed his fingers in little circles atop the soap and said, "Awww, my baby soap." I said, "No bubba, that is not your baby soap and it will burn your eyes." He said, "Yes! It my baby soap. She is sad, she is crying." I laughed and said "Oh! Your soap is a baby!?" "Yes. She is sad. She wants her blankie." He filled the soap dish {with the soap inside} full of water and placed it on the side of the bathtub. "Awww. Go sleep little baby soap."
- - - - - - - - -
So, after bathtime, he was in the bedroom drying off and I am picking out jammies. I asked him if he would rather me put powder on his legs {mosquito bites} or use lotion. He doesn't like the calamine lotion or the hyrocortisone cream, so I figured the medicated Gold Bond powder would be quicker & easier AND still help with the itching and burning. He picked the powder and sat down and I sprinkled away all over his mosquito bitten legs. Sebastian asked, "That Daddy's powder?". I said, "Yes, it is, but Daddy doesn't care if you use it." Sebastian said, "Daddy puts that powder on his butt!!!" Oh my! LOL
Posted with love by Brandy at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What We've Been Doing This August
Working, playing, birthday parties, pictures, snuggling on the couch, playing doctor, reading books, enjoying the beautiful weather, going to the Peach Fair, laughing, learning, cooking, grilling, buying pajamas, sorting through birthday party details, lots & lots of laundry, visiting with family, eating out, having funny conversations, watching tv {Yo Gabba Gabba}, treating mosquito bites, eating popsicles & ice cream, walking downtown, playing the rain, dancing on the living room table, jumping on the bed, playing cars at the kitchen table, eating peaches, draining the pool, drinking lemonade, being extremely HAPPY!
This has been a wonderful summer. I can't avoid working or the time that takes away from our family, but I have tried to avoid the computer which is another stealer of my time away from my little guy. Less blogging, less Facebook, and less chatting {sorry sugarcakes}. When I'm not online, I realize how tired I am and have been going to bed much earlier than I have in the past. Sebastian has been spending much more time with me cuddled up on the couch or wants to sleep in Mommy's bed. I love our time together more than anything else in the world.
We have been super busy this month. I think the birthday party count is 6! I guess I know what all those parents were doing in the Fall ;) !! I went to a wedding & helped out with the wedding photography {which was very exciting}. The weather has been a mix of super hot & lately, really perfect. Lots of thunderstorms & days playing out in the rain. We have had some wonderful playdates with our friends this summer. TONS of pictures! Sebastian got to go to our hometown Peach Fair for the very first time. I was so exciting about taking him. After we made it through the first ride, he had a great time. The food from the church stand was so yummy, like always. He got to spend lots of time on rides with all his cousins, which made me so happy. Dyson & Kinlee really try to take care of him. We have a great family, which I am truly thankful for. Mimi spoiled them all with cotton candy, caramel apples, funnel cakes, homemade lemonade, and bloomin' onions.
On the reverse side of all this happy fun that we've been having, Sebastian has been the target of all the mosquitoes in Southeast Missouri. They are absolutely horrid this year. He came home from daycare on two separate occasions completely covered in bites on his legs, arms & face. It looks so awful & I know he must be in agony. We have tried to keep him sprayed & covered every single moment that he is outside. I guess they are really bad outside at dayare, but Sebastian seems to be the only one getting attacked by them {sweet blood I suppose}. Other than not let him go outside {which breaks his heart when everyone else gets to go}, I don't know what to do. I'll have to get some pics up because you just won't understand until you see this child. Heartbreaking!
I am signing off for now - to play with my love on our day off!! ;)
Posted with love by Brandy at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Sunshine & Rain
Posted with love by Brandy at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
3 Already???
My Dearest Baby Boy, Sebastian:
Tonight I had starting planning for your 3rd birthday party {which will be here before I know it}. I am so excited to be having a big birthday bash for you now that you are big enough to understand what a "birthday" is. You are working really hard to show your 3 fingers when we ask how old you will be on your birthday. Your birthday wish list gets bigger each time we go into Wal-Mart.
I can't believe time has flown by so fast. I can't believe you are almost three-years-old. I remember the very first time I saw you. My life was forever changed. You were so tiny & precious - I can't believe how complete my life is, that we were blessed with someone so perfect.
There are so many amazing memories that I hope to share with you one day.
Late nights dancing/singing to "What a Wonderful World" when you were crying with colic. Your chubby little legs & long, long toes. You have always had a distinct, contagious laugh, which has always brightened my day. Your obsession with a little bunny rattler with crinkly ears, which was the only thing that could calm you sometimes to your current obsession with cozy throw blankets. I miss those days of holding & rocking you to sleep. Daddy used to keep warm towels, fresh from the dryer for you after bathtime and the bald baby in the Johnson & Johnson's commercials always brought me to tears. I remember when I went back to work after my maternity leave and how much I cried & felt empy being away from you. It was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. I miss those nasty little biter biscuits, which you loved so much. You had a love of fruit {papaya, guava & mango} which still exists today. I loved wintertime when I had to bundle you up in those little carriers to get you to daycare. It was & is so amazing to see all the baby milestones that you have reached.
Posted with love by Brandy at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kirby Salesmen, a Haircut, Dust Mite Feces, and An Exorcism?
Just another lazy Wednesday with our friends...
Today we spent the whole afternoon {I mean, THE WHOLE afternoon} at my friend, Sarah's house. We all lounged on the floor, we lounged on the couch, we lounged on the bed {which we later found out was completely filthy}. Sebastian on the tractor...he had lots of fun on it today.
I played the Wii with Sarah's nephew, Luke until I was too self-conscious about my arm flab flabbing around hahaha {it seriously was, ugh}.
The kids played outside awhile. Ady graciously drove Sebastian around the yard on the Polaris a few times & helped him everytime he wanted on then off, then back on & back off. Ady is the absolutely greatest little mother hen. She played with Sebastian & helped take care of her brother & sister & Sebastian. She is so sweet & kind and beautiful. An amazingly kind heart.

Kanon still loves me {even though he hasn't seen me most of the summer}. I had some really great snuggle time with him this afternoon because HE LOVES ME SO MUCH. I am his favorite person afterall;) hehehe. He let me rock him in the rocking chair which I cherished so much & he even was humming with me as he layed on my shoulder. So precious.

A Kirby vacuum salesman had to give Sarah a complete demonstration which took freakin' forever. It was so hilarious...she left me there with him posing as her "sister" who "lives with her". So, Sebastian & I had to watch the demo alone while Kanon napped & everyone else went to get Ady's haircut. Sebastian was completely bored & fell asleep while the young guy vacuumed the same spot like 40million times. I kept pulling out dirt & pulling out dirt & pulling out dirt. He asked, "How often would you say this rug gets vacuumed?", to which I replied, "Apparently never!?!?" lol. Seriously, everyone's carpets/rugs/floors are that disgusting he said. So, I didn't invite him to my house! He kept saying, "What do you think your "sister" will think about all this" - everything was "your sister" "your sister" "your sister". I just winked at him & said, "We're not really sisters, dude, know what I mean ;) we just have a very special bond" LOL
So, anyway, the Kirby guys showed us a demonstration about dust mites in your bed & pillows. I would forego that demonstration & any talk of dust mites unless you fully intend on purchasing that vacuum cleaner. I could have really done without knowing about dust mites feces & eggs in my pillow. How will I ever sleep again? Sarah ended up buying the $2900 Kirby vac for FAR FAR LESS than "their" recommended price, so don't let those Kirby folks sucker you into $2900. I think she should come clean my bed & pillows for having to endure the initital demonstration which lulled Sebastian to sleep and now refuses to go to bed because of his late afternoon nap ;)
that is all the dirt & sand that came from one strip about 1' x 3' in size. he would run the vacuum across the strip once then remove the little filter & do it again...40million times lol. it was completely mindblowing!
Posted with love by Brandy at 9:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Walking Downtown

Well, I always loved looking at old pictures of my parents & family and in fact, one of my fondest memories of my {great} grandparents {my Granddad dabbled in photography} are of photos that he had taken of his family. I hope that Sebastian and his children will get that love from me, because I definintely can provide them with a complete documentation of his life {nearly day-to-day since birth} - hahahahaha!!!!! {I'm serious!}
Posted with love by Brandy at 10:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Pool Party Extravaganza
Sebastian & I are taking it easy today after a very long & water-filled day of fun yesterday. We attended 3 birthday "pool" parties (on what seemed like the hottest day of the year). Thankfully, with a lot of sunscreen and water to keep cool, we managed to come out unscathed ;)
So here's some pics and run down from each party...
1st Birthday...Matthew from daycare. He turned 4-years-old and had a Transformers themed party. All the kids played in the pool. They have a beautiful backyard with lots of room for all those kids to run around and play. Sebastian attached himself to a gorgeous older woman who kept filling up his water gun. Matthew's sister Ella was as cute as ever with her little ringlets of curl growing in back. Everytime I pointed the camera in her direction, she would yell, "NO!" and turn her head away. Polka dot swimsuits was the fashion for the girls. It was so HOT, but we all had so much fun.
2nd niece Jayden. She wanted a Hawaiin luau birthday party to celebrate her 6th birthday. She had grass skirts & leis and everything was a Hawaiin theme. Everyone had name tags with their "Hawaiin name" and somewhere, Sebastian has a bracelet with his name. Sebastian put on a hula skirt and danced around the dining room to the Beach Boys. He attached himself to a sweet little girl in pigtails at Jayden's party. He led her around the backyard and filled her in all his knowledge of the swingset. The big kids played in the pool. Everyone had a wonderful time.
LOL! Okay, I had to include this photo. I forgot to change the settings before going back outside and ended with a very badly washed out picture (yes, I know there is a better, more technical term, but go with me on this). Anyway, I thought my mistake turned out to be a very cute mistake with a little pink border & some text. And, Sebastian was so darn cute in his flowery ankle bracelets, hula skirt & lei - that's just my opinion. Anyhoo, on with the photos...

The big kids never got a chance at the was holding on by a thread after the first kid hit it. Dyson (the 5th kid in line) sent the candy flying and everyone was on top of the pile before we could blink. It was hilarious watching those little ones though. Jayden was the only one who kept her blindfold on. Sebastian pulled it off immediately and said, "I can't see!" He was so cute swinging away at the palm tree pinata.
Jayden's birthday cake was so adorable and so very yummy. I love whipped icing. It was a huge beach cake with flowers & flipflops. She is such a summer girl - I'm so glad her birthday falls in her favorite time of year. Her party was really suited to fit her personality.It is the most hilarious thing to watch a little girl opening gifts. It was a bunch of screaming & squealing and everything was the most awesome thing that she had ever seen. The real kicker was the end when she got the guitar & Hannah Montana headphone set. She looks too cute her pink guitar. The next Hannah Montana? My gorgeous, gorgeous girl - I hope you remember your Aunt Bebe when you're famous!

"Oh, you are so beautiful!! Love you Jaydeebug Ladybug!!"
Our 3rd birthday of the day...Ben! He's one of my closest friends' son. He turned 3 and celebrated with his much loved pal, Elmo. He is the closest to Sebastian's age and I think they will be great buds as they get older. I think that Ben is already excited about the fact that they will get to go to school together.
Because we were late making it to his party and pretty tired & cranky, I didn't get as many photos as the other two. {In fact, the photos dwindled a lot from party to party.} We almost completely missed out on him opening presents and after two parties, we weren't feeling the cake & ice cream much either {which was totally awesome and they had homemade ice cream}.
Ben had a really cool water slide. Apparently, Ben & Sebastian didn't think it was all that great. After only one time down each, they decided that was enough waterslide fun for them. The other kids & some adults really had a blast though. Sebastian had a blast playing in the waterhole created by the waterslide.
A few pics...
Well, I am finally signing off of this blog...a crapload of pool parties photos, several hours, and many, many episodes of icarly later. {I don't know where this new found love of iCarly has come from - but that is a Not Me!Monday post for another day lol.} Anyway, bye for now bloggers.
Posted with love by Brandy at 9:44 AM 0 comments