Down on the Farm
Sebastian took his first trip to Begg's Family Farm today. It was a little hot, but Sebastian had a lot of fun. He got to do two of his favorite things, flirt with pretty girls and play in the dirt. He got to play with Ady & Ava (that's where the flirting with pretty girls comes in haha), drive a tractor, watch the pig races, ride a horse swing, rope a bull...well he tried, pet some sheep & donkeys, take a hayride and pick out his very own pumpkin. Sebastian loved all the attention from his new HOT little girlfriend Ava...they are quite adorable together, huh!?! He likes older women...she's perfect - beautiful, smart & more experienced! hahaha! We had a very long day! Mommy is super tired so she is not going to go into great details of the day, but I am posting some pics from our special Fall'07 day...hope you enjoy! A few of the pics (the good ones hahaha) are courtesy the new girlfriends MOMMY, Sarah!

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