The Carson & Barnes Circus was in Kennett on Wednesday, October 17th. I had to take Sebastian to his first circus and we went with our good friends, Ms Chastity and her two boys, Ronnie & Hunter and Ms Dawn and her daughter, Lexi. In case you missed the weather down in Kennett that afternoon - it was rainy. I think the final count was 4" that night and I can attest to that. It was raining when we got there, but it was pouring when we left. Chas and I did our best to keep Sebastian dry and poor Ronnie & Hunter were just drenched. By the time I sludged through the mud out to the car (that was parked out in the grassy field) and got Sebastian fastened in...I was sopping wet with mud up to my knees. Poor Chastity lost her cell phone under the bleacher seats and it, of course, landed in a big puddle of muddy water. It was horrible! We did have a good time, though, while we were under the tent and some things seemed to keep Sebastian's attention, short as it is. He loved the popcorn, which I think was the highlight of his night along with a magic wand that spins and lights up...WOWEE!!! He liked the boxing clowns and thought it was hilarious when one got sucker punched and fell down. He liked the hula hooping girls, but I think it was because they were so cute!!! We didn't get to ride the elephant or the ponies, so maybe the next time a circus comes to town, the weather won't be so terrible and we can have so much more fun. Check out some of our pics from our fun but wet night!!!