Pickin' Out Pumpkins from the Pumpkin Patch
This afternoon, after our nap, we drove out to Pumpkin Hollow to buy some pumpkins. There were so many to choose from that Sebastian had a hard time picking his favorite. We ended up with several pumpkins, a few colorful gourds and bunches of the small ornamental gourds. Sebastian had a great time feeding the goats and ponies, lounging in the wagon while we picked out pumpkins and hanging with the Gourd Head Family. Sebastian even got measured...he is 3' tall this Fall!! WOW, what a big boy!
Sebastian & the giant pumpkin

feeding the baby goat picking out a pumpkin
escorting his pumpkins to the car
Pumpkin Hollow Pumpkin Heads
How tall this Fall? -3'
The Gourd Head Family
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