Delta Fair FUN!
We spent last Saturday afternoon with Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Anson, Jayden, Kinlee & Dyson at the Delta Fair in Kennett. I was worried about Sebastian having a good time because he had not had a nap, but he had a wonderful time. There were just a few kiddie rides for his age, but he definitely loved them. He ♥'d the Super Trucks but by far his favorite was the carousel! I know we had to ride the carousel at least 10 times. Luckily it was the only ride that we didn't have to wait in line to ride. Kinlee & Dyson liked getting to ride with their cousin and taking care of him on the rides. Jayden loved getting to ride all the big rides with her Daddy. Sebastian's first fair was a big hit! ♥ ♥ ♥
Sebastian & Uncle Anson

All the kids on the Super Trucks!Uncle Anson & the kids on the Dizzy Dragons
Sebastian & the Twins on the helicopter ride, which they hated
Sebastian loving the carousel ride with Aunt Effie
Talk to the Hand!-Miss Diva Princess Kinlee
the kiddos waiting in line for the next ride
Dyson, Sebastian & Kinlee riding the ponies w/me
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