An Afternoon with Jayden, Kinlee & Dyson
Sebastian and I spend Wednesday afternoon at Aunt Stephanie's house. They were all dressed in their new halloween clothes, so I decided to snag some pics. Of course, Jayden wanted to pose like a supermodel, which makes me crazy. I love for them to just be themselves. Kinlee was definitely herself, which is why I got a bunch of great shots of her. Dyson was being a big baby and wouldn't come anywhere near me while I had the camera. Sebastian just loved being with his cousins and having fun. It was a great afternoon with our family.
Stephanie's Kiddos

They are such dolls. I ♥ them so much! Gotta ♥ those expressions
Kinlee smashing her onion grass bouquet into Jade's hair
The 3 Musketeers
This is SO Kinlee!
This is SO Jayden!
They are each other's best buds and worst enemies!!
2 GREAT little girls
Kinlee just being Kinlee!!! ♥♥♥
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