Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Terrible Two's
Sebastian has officially hit the terrible two's. He has had a busy birthday weekend, beginning with his party at daycare on Friday. Mommy brought in train cupcakes to share with all his friends at daycare and he loved when everyone sang Happy Birthday. He got to be King for the Day! Mrs. Kristel even bought him one of his favorite things...a choo choo train & his first track. Now that he is a big boy, he has moved from the high chair to the big kids' table at daycare and he no longer takes his naps in a playpen...he now is sleeping on a cot like the other big kids. He received tons of compliments and was really bragged on by the staff at how well he has adjusted to the cot and the big kids' table. Daddy & I are so proud of our big boy!
On Saturday, we celebrated with a birthday party with all of our family. His train cake from Rowland Stollen Bakery was absolutely awesome. He loved it so much. He loved all the attention he received when we all sang Happy Birthday again and he blew his candle out in one big blow. I can't believe that my baby boy is now a little man with his own thoughts and ideas. It's amazing all the things that he knows and can do all by himself. My heart is so happy having him in my life; he is such a blessing!
Posted with love by Brandy at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Super Duper Busy Beavers
We have been so busy this month it has been absolutely unreal. I had a great birthday! Thanks to all my well wishers for those extra birthday wishes!! What we've been up to...well my mom & I got lost in BFE trying to get to my ex-aunt's wedding on MONDAY the 13th (ex as in used to be married to my mother's brother). She is still a close family member, and afterall, she is my cousins' MOM! Below is a pic from her big day w/her new hubby Ronnie and my cousin Jonathon with his bride-to-be Chandy!
Sebastian sporting his dragon costume
"ARGGG" Kinlee & Dyson are swashbucklin' pirates
Jayden is the sweetest witch ever
Posted with love by Brandy at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
An Afternoon with Jayden, Kinlee & Dyson
Stephanie's Kiddos
My 2 favorite nieces
They are such dolls. I ♥ them so much! Gotta ♥ those expressions
Kinlee smashing her onion grass bouquet into Jade's hair
The 3 Musketeers
This is SO Kinlee!
This is SO Jayden!
They are each other's best buds and worst enemies!!
2 GREAT little girls
Kinlee just being Kinlee!!! ♥♥♥
Posted with love by Brandy at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 06, 2008
Pumpkin Painting 101
During our visit to Pumpkin Hollow on Saturday, Sebastian picked out 7 pumpkins for all the kids to paint together. On Sunday, we all went to the park and I setup a table for the painting activities. It was hilarious watching the kids paint their pumpkins and themselves. Therron really got into it and he was purple before the afternoon was over. They had a wonderful time painting and playing together and Aunt Stephanie even bought a special treat. I think that was the only time they all settled down and sat together - while they drank their milk shakes. It was a great afternoon. Sebastian had an awesome time and I did, too!!
Posted with love by Brandy at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Official Trip to Pumpkin Hollow
Wednesday we drove out to Pumpkin Hollow to collect some pumpkins to decorate with. Today we actually spent the the whole afternoon enjoying all the activities. Sebastian loves the goats. He would spend all day and a million quarters feeding them. We went through the children's spook house, under the gourd trellis, chased some pigs, rode the ponies, took a hayride, walked through the corn maze and jumped on some hay bales. Sebastian picked out 7 little pumpkins for him and his cousins to paint & decorate. Fall is such a great time of year!
Posted with love by Brandy at 5:08 PM 0 comments