Blogging Excuses
I know that I have really been neglecting the blog lately. I sometimes get in a funk when I don't want to even think about blogging. I think I've been in a similar funk, coupled with the fact that I just feel terrible. Remember the "sickness from HELL" post? It's still lingering around. Thankfully, not to the same degree, but nonetheless, it's presence is here. The headaches have not completely subsided & I have been feeling completely exhausted. Not my usual "10-hour day" tired, but seriously exhausted, fatigued, drained, weary, wiped out!! I had originally went to the ER late Friday 06/19, was given some antibiodics to take for 14 days. So, I'm nearing the end of 14 days & still feel terrible. I follow-up with the doc on Wed 07/01 & he runs some more tests - tells me that my wbc is still high, infection levels are still the same as they were in the ER. He continues the antibiodics for 15 more days + adds a decongestant & nasal allergy spray. I go back for another follow-up this Wed 07/15. My headaches are much better (not completely gone, but much better) and I can breathe better, but I'm just so tired. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of all this when I go back on Wed.
Until then, here are some pics of Sebastian eating a "bomb pop"...actually, the box said Patriot Pop, so I guess it's some kind of Bomb Pop knockoff, but whatever, it's red, white & blue.

I have really been neglecting the camera, too. I can't believe it's already mid-July and I barely have over half a dozen posts. My Mama & Daddy bought me an early birthday present...a new digital SLR. It should be arriving soon. I've been really wanting a new SLR for quite some time & my poor little point & shoot has really seen it's better days. It's been an awesome awesome friend, though. I'll love it forever! I'm ready to start feeling better & go crazy taking pics with my new camera & I know everyone will be so excited to read it about in my blog!!

Sebastian took this picture at the!
Can't wait to see your pics with your new SLR!!! Congrats!
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