I am definitely still learning all the "blogger" ropes -- networking, exposure, etc. I am really not in the loop with all the blogger lingo. I still get super excited when I see cool stuff on other blogs. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I don't get to keep up on all the blogs that want to read everyday, much less browse links to other blogs. Anyway, the point to this story is that I read a comment on my last post from Vivienne at The V Spot stating that she gave me an award.
When I read that comment (from an email notice I received on my phone) I was like "AWESOME, I totally rock getting an award from Vivienne. I wonder what it could be!?" I was completely thinking more along the lines of tons of people voting on how wonderful I am and a big huge banner that says "Brandy Rox".
Nobody voted for me.
No big huge banner.
No wonderful gift certificate or awesome prize.
Not even a line of text that says "Brandy Rox".
What I found was this...

I was all, huh? I know someone (besides me) is thinking, "what the heck is that"? {at least I hope I'm not the only one.} Well, after reading Vivienne's blog and linking to a few other pages, and Googling, I learned that I'm not quite as awesome as I thought I was {I know, I know, how can this be?}, but I'm still feeling all warm & fuzzy for being tagged for this award.
I never figured out where this award started, but it has been ALL ACROSS the blog world. It is actually a really awesome award to get. I am completely pyched to be recognized by Vivienne. This award does have some restrictions, so make sure you follow through.
Step One - boast & brag about the award & the presenter -- lol -- okay, well I don't know if that is actually one of the rules, but if I present you with an award you should not skip this step. I don't have a speech prepared but I want to thanks to all my loyal blog followers, without which, this award would not be possible. I also want to thank Viv. She has an awesome blog and always keeps me coming back for more.
So, Step Two - link back to the presenter. That would be Ms Vivienne at The V Spot. Thanks so much for including me in this award. It's exciting to know that someone besides those friends and family that I force to read, actually come back. That is awesome!
Step Three - Share 10 Things that My Readers May Not Know. Here goes...
- My sister, Stephanie, and I sound exactly same on the telephone. My mom can't even tell us apart most of the time.
- I hate colored hangers. I only use white hangers and when my husband & I started dating I made him change all his colored hangers (primarily green & black) to white. Sebastian does have white & baby blue due to wierd pregancy hormones that wacked out my thinking process temporarily, but I still prefer to have white.
- I hate to cut up pictures. So, I don't do scrapbooking. I have a huge huge box full of all the stuff to scrapbook that, again, I purchased when I was pregnant and my brain was not functioning properly. Although I have copies and backups and everything is digital, it's some sort of crazy phobia.
- I hate chalk. I don't want to touch it. I don't want to hear you writing with it. I don't want to type the word chalk because it gives me creepy crawlies.
- I have a book collection of the 100 Greatest Books Ever Written. Most of them I have never read. I just bought them because they are absolutely gorgeous and look good on a book case. I may read them someday when I'm old & retired & really really bored. I tell David that I will pass them on one day to our kids, then grandkids and it will be my legacy. lol ;)
- I blow money on needless things. :')
- I like to read the articles from PlayBoy :O
- I want to have another baby and my hubby doesn't :(
- I love the antibacterial soap from Bath & Body Works. I have several bottles lined across my kitchen window, each one has a different scent.
- I played the trombone in our school band back in the day ;)
Whew! That was hard!!
Step Four - Pass it On. I don't know if there is a set number of people to tag, I have seen 7 and 10, but Vivienne only tagged three, so I'm going to hang out somewhere in between.
I'm awarding this ("Your Name Here Rox") Award ;) to these bloggers that I love & read regularly (when some of them actually post something ;)
Sarah @ To Jupiter & Back
Andrea @ 1 Princess 2 Superheroes
Whispering Writer @ Airing My Dirty Laundry
Cooper & Cash @ Watch Us Grow
Congrats on your award!
Oh, but see, if they let me give out the really special, have to go up before the nominating committee and write an essay first kind of awards, I'd just want to give them to everyone I like anyway. :)
Yes, these are everywhere, but I like the learn something new part. (I'm guessing you don't do any of these chalkboard paint projects that are all the rage...) Glad you participated and passed it on. :)
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