Sebastian the Red-Nosed Munchkin
I got a call from daycare this morning. Ms Kristal said Sebastian had an accident and bloodied up his nose. Apparently, he was pushing a big truck, running across the floor with it like all the kids had been told a gazillion times NOT to do, and the truck got away from him and he went sailing across the carpet--nose first. I guess he hit it hard enough to make it bleed and once all the blood was cleaned up, she noticed that he has a pretty little carpet burn down his nose. When I asked him what had happened, he said "the truck did it"!! Hopefully he learned to stop running across the floor with toys. Ms Kristal hopes that all the kids learned from it as they were all screaming at the sight of a little blood. He is perfectly fine though, just with a bright red Rudolph nose for a few days. {He did get hysterical after his bath tonight when Daddy accidentally dried his face with the towel without thinking about it!}
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