I'm a Sucker For...

This is Therron! My youngest "biological" nephew. He will be 4-years-old in August. He loves legos and drawing and watching Twilight (hmmmm wonder where he gets that). He spends most of his days at home with Papa when his Mommy is at school. He's finally talking in human language - I thought we may never understand him. He has beautiful, beautiful curly dirty blonde hair that his mother keeps cut off very very short because his daddy doesn't like it. (I'm all about the long locks. I don't care how "pretty" it is.) Therron is a major goofball and always makes me laugh with his silly dancing and "posing". He ♥'s milk, especially strawberry milk. He, as well as his two brothers, had their tonsils & adenoids removed AT THE SAME TIME!! He's always running around in his underwear as this seems to be the trend amoung all my nieces & nephews. As the last of three boys, my sister has really made him rotten. He is funny, rambunctious, serious and oh-so-adorable and I love him with all my heart as I do all my nieces and nephews whether "biologically" related or just adopted by me. It's a great day to be an Aunt! ♥♥♥
You have a beutiful nephew. He truly does look exactly like his father.
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