Bombarded with Disgust
Have I ever mentioned the fact that I avoid the news? It's more-or-less a phobia of sorts I would say (if there is such a phobia...I have it). Bad news makes me ill. I'm not being sarcastic in the least...literally, it makes me ill. Not all bad news, though. ANY news/stories/blogs real or otherwise about children in pain -- abuse, neglect, lack of food, clothing, psychological, emotional, physical, sickness & cancer, accidents, purposeful acts of perverse intentions -- I'm talking the whole realm of suffering from child molestation to my child crying because he didn't want me to go to work. And so, I prefer to avoid the news, I can't bare to watch St. Jude telethons, I don't like to watch CSI when children are involved...especially Law & Order shows which seem to be centered around injustice to children. I just plain don't want to hear about it. And not because I don't care, because I do care, more than I can physically handle. Maybe more so now that I have a child of my own, but nonetheless, I will dwell on things that I have absolutely no control over under it makes me sick. And I dwell and I dwell and I dwell!
I'm sure you're wondering what brought me to this post tonight. Well, if you must know and I'm sure you do; I was reading a post from one of my favorite blogs Dooce. As I was reading comments, I happened to link across another womans blog {yep, I'm a blog hopper - I confess} called Becoming Sarah. I began reading her post called "Google, we have a problem" and like her, was completely appalled, disgusted, outraged...and again, physically ill! I will let you jump on over to her site if you want to know about it, but will not be discussing it on my blog. I also got a few emails today about child abuse. More often than not with the emails, once I realize what it is about, I try to close it out before I get to far into details.
I know they all say, if you don't pass this on then you obviously don't care about child abuse etc etc, but that is completely false. AND, if you want, I can pass it on without reading it if that makes everyone feel better. I don't mind doing my part as long as I don't have to know about anything. I know that ignoring what is going on in the world is not going to change it or even help it. Especially since becoming a Mama myself (and even before then to a lesser degree) I obviously have real issues with the subject and I would just prefer to avoid it if at all possible. Right or wrong I would rather spare myself the hours upon hours upon hours of dwelling, worrying, being literally sick and spend those hours being happy with my son. I want to enjoy his childhood and not be worrying about it every single second of my life. Until the world is a peaceful, loving world - then this is just the way it has to be for me to enjoy life.