Wierdo Diseases
As if this year hasn't been sickly enough, a couple weeks ago we "thought" David had come down with the flu. It was a Monday night, we had gone to bed and he just started shivering, was freezing cold and I felt his head - he was burning up. Told him to stay away from me (lol) 'cause I surely did NOT want me or Sebastian getting the flu. Well, he didn't work Tuesday or Wednesday; started feeling better by Thursday and thought that he had kicked it by the weekend. That Sunday, when he removed his socks to take a shower, a huge rash had developed around his ankles and up his calves. Was the wierdest thing I had ever seen!! Looked like large capillary blood vessels had broken all around his feet and legs. He went along his merry way like whoopie, no biggie - he hasn't been to the doctor in 15 years. The next Monday, he came home from work and it had started to move up his legs. I TOLD him he needed to go see a doctor, but he just brushed it off. Tuesday morning he texted me and told me to make him a doctor's appointment because his joints were hurting so bad that he couldn't grasp a piece of wood in his hands. So, I called the doctor and filled him in on his symptoms, and of course, they wanted to see him ASAP. The doctor said that he had never seen anthing like it before in his life either, but his first inclination would be some type of cross between Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. He went ahead and prescribed him a strong antibiodic and tested him for several things, including Lyme & RMSF. Of course, we had to wait almost a week for the test results, and in the meantime I googled & researched and realized that he had all the symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. He had not noticed ever being bitten by a tick, but I know you can have bites and never know. When he finally got the test results, they confirmed the RMSF and the antibiodics had already started working and clearing up the rash. He is feeling much better now and THANK GOD that it wasn't anything worse. I was a little freaked out at first when the doctor said, "he definitely has an infectious disease of some kind" which can mean a lot and the first thing I thought was he's not staying in my house with Sebastian (lol).
I am glad that we finally got over that issue and have really been enjoying the spring weather -- in between the pouring rain and the cold spurts. As much as I love the springtime, I hate what the spring brings with it----allergies, allergies, allergies. Sebastian and I have been snottin' & sneezing, coughing, burning red watery eyes, stuffed up & congested - it's been miserable. I finally got baby boy to feeling better. He is such a bear when he's not feeling good. Today I picked him from daycare and Kristal told me that he had Fifth's Disease. Of all things - haha! I told her I was getting really sick of hearing that word "disease". He apparently had the "contagious" flu-like symptoms last week amidst all the allergy symptoms and now he has the "red slapped face" rash on his face and little on his hands. If it's not one thing, it's something else!!!! hahaha This is nothing, just looks like a really bad sunburn; however, had finally scheduled a photo session with Ms Sarah. Luckily (rather unluckily) she has a sick kiddo too so we'll be reschuduling that session. I'm hoping to make it to Sebastian's 18-month mark on the 24th and with a little faith, the rest of the year will SLOW DOWN and be less stressful!
I cannot sign off without posting some pics of sebastian. Here's a few from yet another pageant we did on Saturday (yes, he's the King) and playing with Mommy & Daddy this weekend. He wanted to roll around and around in the laundry hamper - he thought it was hilarious!

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