The Best Love
Today my baby is 18-months-old. I can't believe he will be 2 in just 6 more short months. The time is flying by. I love his personality now. He is interested in everything and he pays attention to every word you say. He has grown so much in the last 6 months. He's so tall like his Daddy and has the same big feet. It seems like we keep bumping the size up every month. He loves to talk and if you pay close attention you can understand him. He is such an outdoorsy baby. Now that spring has sprung we have gotten to spend tons of time outside...when it's not raining of course. I love his facsination and excitement for new things. His eyes light up and his mouth forms that "O" - I find myself doing the same thing watching him. My love for Sebastian is more than I could have ever known and my life would be empty without him. I don't have words to describe what a baby does to your life - it's a million different emotions running through you at once - only when you hold your baby for the first time can you ever realize the completion that your life has. I'm so in love with that little boy and pray everyday that the Lord will take care of him and make me the best Mommy that I could be for him.
Today we celebrated turning 1 1/2 years old by playing at the park! Sebastian loves to play outside and he loves the park. I asked him if he wanted to go to the park and he said "yeah" and brought me his shoes and went straight for the door. We had a fun afternoon - it was so beautiful and breezy. We took a walk, swinged, & swinged & swinged, climbed up the stairs and down the slide and up the stairs and down the slide. He had a blast and I had fun too. AND, of course, snapped away on the camera. He don't mind the camera anymore. He either just ignores me or wants to cheese it up, which both work well for me. Hope you enjoy them. 

This picture is from last night. I had laid him down for bed and before I went to bed myself, I always go in and check on him. He had put his cup of ice water down his shirt. I guess he was feeling a little hot. Isn't he just the sweetest little thing ever?
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