We have had an extraordinary weekend full of tv watching, jammies & lots and lots of junk food. Friday night kicked off our weekend packed full of laziness. I had an extremely shitty crappy day at work on Friday, so I was in demand of lots & lots of chocolate - donuts, milk, cookies, ice cream, candy bars, oh the list goes on. Sebastian & I curled up in the bed after a late night of jumping off the couch into a pile of pillows. Yeah, I was surprised, too, that I could jump off the couch after my chocolate feeding frenzy.
Saturday morning Sebastian slept in until 9:45am - wowzers! You definitely can't beat sleeping in on a rainy Saturday morning. We munched on non-nutritious breakfast items, such as donuts, cookies & milk and ice cream then piled a ton of blankets & pillows in the middle of the living room floor and sprawled out to watch tv. Sebastian pulled out every single toy he owned to play with and I must admit I had some great times thinking up different games to play. We played ball in the living room {thankfully nothing ended up broken} and he shot me a few million times {no permanent damage there either ;)}. Lunch was much the same as breakfast. I do believe that Sebastian & Daddy ventured out in the rain for more junk food, but I did not.
Before supper we did manage to do a fast family cleanup session because as much as I love lazy funfilled days of toy chaos, I do have my breaking point and the mess must be cleaned up and things put back where they belong. Toys put away, messes cleaned up, trash to the trashcan, dishes washed, floors swept/vacuumed, etc. etc.
Today was much the same, minus the crazy, huge mess. I made some corn muffins for Sebastian with lunch, which are his fave!! {With Jiffy corn muffin mix, of course, because we like our cornbread sweet...Mmm Mmmm} We played and painted and stayed in our jammies all day. We did take showers/baths lol & changed our jammies - just went from jammies to more jammies. Sebastian & I took a late nap today - which turned out to be bad news because we slept until nearly 7:00pm and Sebastian is in his room as we speak cracking up to whatever is on Noggin right now. But he is seriously cracking up and it's so cute and I just can't bring myself to turn it off. As I peek around the corner, I can see him sitting in his toybox {filled with stuffed animals}. What a great weekend it has been.
I am watching Dirty Dancing on ABCFamily right now. There are scenes in this version I have never ever seen before - EVER. Very wierd.
Anyway, just thought I'd share what a great, but lazy weekend we have had. I think I need to change my blog title to The Jammie Diaries LOL! We just have some the best memories in our jammies. I hope Sebastian remembers these times and has the same great, lazy jammie-wearing weekends with his babies someday.
I'll leave you with some pics of Sebastian showing his muscles to Daddy tonight as he was getting dressed in his jammies. {shocking, right?}
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
Aww, those pictures are too cute.
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