The Year of the Blogger
Well, it's getting close to a month since my last post, so I thought I would try to update. I received some new found "blogging" inspiration from a good friend who just reinvented her blog. As I was reading her posts last night, I found astounding truth in her words "I am so in love with this little man...He has stolen my heart from day one." I could not have written it better. Anyone who reads my blog knows that I am crazy about my little boy. It is truly a profound love that only another mother could appreciate. It is a wondrous privilege to be a mother and I graciously accept every second that I can do so. Working where I do, I see so many parents forget what an amazing gift they have been given. I am so thankful that we have a beautiful, healthy, brilliant, energetic little boy. He is my life's purpose and I am so grateful.
Sebastian is 2 now, going on 20. He's so independent and so full of life. I love talking to him. He has so much to say. Everyday I am surprised with something new that he has learned. He has a superb memory. He can recall his steps from days ago, able to find whatever he has managed to swipe from us (keys, credit cards, sunglasses hahaha) and when asked, can take you right to the last spot he had seen it. AND always remembers those last minute "bribes" we use to get him to do something we want. "I'll let you paint after you take a nap." Two hours later, groggy from a long afternoon nap, he's uttering the words "I paint!" He knows exactly what he wants and although sometimes still has trouble expressing his words, most of the time I can decipher his code. Everyday is new & exciting with him.
I have a good friend with whom I work that has a little boy Sebastian's age. I love trading stories with her and we most always have something new to tell one another every morning. Of course, we speak often of our parenting woes and in doing so, have learned that no matter what your style, it's the right one for your family. She envies the fact that Sebastian goes to sleep all by himself, with little struggle and sleeps the entire night in his own bed. I envy the fact that Ben still wants to be held & rocked.
I am working 4 10-hour days at work now. I LOVE it so much. Although Sebastian has to go to daycare a little earlier & stay a little later, it has really worked wonderfully for our family. Sebastian gets a little more one-on-one time with Mrs Kristal at daycare. He enjoys that tremendously...she is an amazing person...we are so, so lucky to have her. With this schedule, I get a whole extra day each week to be home with him. It really makes a huge difference. I love the break in the middle of the week, too. I work Mon & Tue, off Wed, work Thu & Fri, off for the weekend - - it definitely works for us.
Well, it's getting close to my bedtime. Seems to get earlier & earlier. As great as the compressed work schedule is, exhaustion comes with it. I hope to be able to post regularly and post lots more pics of our growing little man this year. Hopefully, he'll be getting his hair trimmed soon (it is a mess right now) then Sarah can get some awesome new pics. Stay tuned [& comment comment comment]!!
Sebastian is 2 now, going on 20. He's so independent and so full of life. I love talking to him. He has so much to say. Everyday I am surprised with something new that he has learned. He has a superb memory. He can recall his steps from days ago, able to find whatever he has managed to swipe from us (keys, credit cards, sunglasses hahaha) and when asked, can take you right to the last spot he had seen it. AND always remembers those last minute "bribes" we use to get him to do something we want. "I'll let you paint after you take a nap." Two hours later, groggy from a long afternoon nap, he's uttering the words "I paint!" He knows exactly what he wants and although sometimes still has trouble expressing his words, most of the time I can decipher his code. Everyday is new & exciting with him.
I have a good friend with whom I work that has a little boy Sebastian's age. I love trading stories with her and we most always have something new to tell one another every morning. Of course, we speak often of our parenting woes and in doing so, have learned that no matter what your style, it's the right one for your family. She envies the fact that Sebastian goes to sleep all by himself, with little struggle and sleeps the entire night in his own bed. I envy the fact that Ben still wants to be held & rocked.
I am working 4 10-hour days at work now. I LOVE it so much. Although Sebastian has to go to daycare a little earlier & stay a little later, it has really worked wonderfully for our family. Sebastian gets a little more one-on-one time with Mrs Kristal at daycare. He enjoys that tremendously...she is an amazing person...we are so, so lucky to have her. With this schedule, I get a whole extra day each week to be home with him. It really makes a huge difference. I love the break in the middle of the week, too. I work Mon & Tue, off Wed, work Thu & Fri, off for the weekend - - it definitely works for us.
Well, it's getting close to my bedtime. Seems to get earlier & earlier. As great as the compressed work schedule is, exhaustion comes with it. I hope to be able to post regularly and post lots more pics of our growing little man this year. Hopefully, he'll be getting his hair trimmed soon (it is a mess right now) then Sarah can get some awesome new pics. Stay tuned [& comment comment comment]!!
"Please make my Mommy cut my hair!"

Typical Sebastian
Mommy's Little Mr. Fix-It
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