My Handsome Little Boy - He's JUST PERFECT!
Sebastian ♥'s trains! He can sit and watch a choo choo for hours, chugging his arm and yelling "SHOO SHOO". Yesterday afternoon when we came home from daycare, we took a drive up to the Campbell park and played on the caboose train. He thinks it's wonderful. Here's some pics of Sebastian posing on the "shoo shoo"! ☺☺☺
Walking up the ramp, he's checking out things under the train
Showing Mommy is gorgeous 'Bastian smile
Climbing up all by himself
Watching a REAL "shoo shoo" across the highway
Picking up rocks along the "track"
Taking time to pose for me again, he's so cooperative
Too short to see inside
"I drive, I drive"
He ♥'s that choo choo!
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