Sebastian, his Daddy and I drove out to the Chalk Bluff yesterday afternoon. It was absolutely beautiful outside yesterday and we couldn't miss an opportunity to enjoy the weather. Sebastian played awhile on the playground, chased a little lizard with a bright blue tail and scouted for bugs EVERYWHERE we went. Of course with him being outside, he found plenty to play with. It was rather funny watching him with David...we didn't take his stroller because he usually wants to walk himself; however, he made David carry him most of the way through the walking trail. About 2/3 of the way through, he gathered his 2nd wind and we had to chase him through the rest. He loved walking out to the lookout and seeing the water. I thought the afternoon was great and enjoyed having nice "family" time with Sebastian.
Swinging on the tire swing

He found a "pider" on the slide

"A bug, a bug, Momma" (tree bark)

At the lookout, looking down at the water

Having a tantrum b/c he thinks we're leaving the water

Reading the sign and scoping for bugs

"A bug, a bug, Momma" (acorn)

Squirrel hunting with his "big kick"

Posing with Daddy